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CUSD 7 School Board accepts annual audit, switches insurance carriers



Members of the Community Unit School District 7 Board of Education on Monday night accepted an annual audit of funds required by the state and voted to switch insurance companies for liability, property, vehicles, and other coverage to take advantage of a significantly lower premium for the year.

The board voted unanimously to accept the financial report, prepared by Scheffel and Loy, CPAs, on a motion by Jenni Alepra, seconded by Weye Schmidt. Alepra made a point of thanking the district’s clerical staff who maintain the district’s financial records and were responsible for providing materials to the auditors. Secretaries did an outstanding job working with the auditors at a time when the district was coping with protocols related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The audit covers financial activities for the fiscal year ending June 30.

Michelle Branna, an accountant with Scheffel and Loy, offered a brief summary of the audit, noting the auditors gave the district  “clean” opinions regarding internal controls and financial record keeping. In regard to internal controls, Branna said the accountants found “no instances of non-compliance or other instances that would require reporting” to the Illinois State Board of Education. Additionally, the auditors provided a clean opinion regarding financial record keeping and internal controls associated with federal funds distributed to the district such as Title I programming funds. “All three reports requiring an opinion had a clean opinion on everything,” Branna said.

The auditors predicted CUSD 7 would earn a financial profile rating of 3.7, up slightly from 3.3 last year. The rating is based on a somewhat complicated formula that considers the ratio between fund balances and expenditures, the ratio between expenditures and revenue, the number of days of cash on hand, the percentage of remaining short-term borrowing capacity, and the percent of long-term debt remaining to be paid. The financial rating determines whether or not the state will intercede to help a district manage its finances. The maximum score possible is four. A score of 3.45 to 4 is designated as “Financial Recognition” which means the district requires no review or oversight unless requested by the district. Last year’s rating of 3.3 put the district in “Financial Review,” meaning the district was subject to limited review by ISBE and monitoring for potential downward trends.

As of June 30, the district had $11,755,000 remaining in bonded indebtedness for the BenGil Elementary School construction. Combined with other debt, the audit put the district’s total indebtedness at $12,683,165—approximately equivalent to one year’s total operating budget.

Another aspect of the audit put the per capita tuition charge at $8,308, compared with $9,177 last year.

The audit documents that the district had enough cash on hand in the Education, Operations and Maintenance, and Transportation funds, to operate the school for 4.41 months.


On the recommendation of Rick Sedlak of Schmale Insurance Agency, Belleville, the board opted to end its long time relationship with Liberty Insurance and opt instead for a policy with EMC Insurance. The district will pay $334,597 for a year’s worth of comprehensive coverage that includes liability, property loss protection, motor vehicle insurance and other coverage. Sedlak said Liberty, which had insured the district for the past 20 years, was poised to raise its rate by about 20 percent for the coming year. Facing a significant increase in premiums, Sedlak said his agency turned to the open market and secured the EMC bid, which was about $4,000 less than their bid the previous year.


In addition to obtaining a lower premium, Sedlak said EMC was able to offer lower deductibles for some areas of coverage such as hail damage.

Sedlak also reported on supplemental mine subsidence insurance, saying his agency renewed the district’s first-tier coverage for damage of up to $10 million at a cost of about $60,000. If they had delayed in renewing, he said, the opportunity to renew would have lapsed before the board meeting Monday night.

He asked the board to make a decision on whether or not to buy an additional $16 million in mine subsidence coverage at a cost of $26,000 to $36,000. Sedlak said his agency discussed lowering the second tier coverage to $5 million and found it would only reduce the premium by about $4,000 for the year.

Weye Schmidt’s motion to accept the EMC insurance policy included a provision for Supt. Shane Owsley to sign the second tier mine subsidence policy once the premium cost is confirmed.


Following an executive session of about 75 minutes, the board voted to hire Teressa Remer as a classroom paraprofessional. Board members also accepted the retirement of Kathy Wheeler as a paraprofessional, effect Nov. 24, and to post her position as vacant.

Nikki Brawner was hired as a temporary high school women’s basketball coach and posted a position for a temporary high school women’s basketball coach. Matt Brawner was appointed as a volunteer assistant high school women’s basketball coach. Earlier in the meeting, Gillespie High School Principal Jill Rosentreter announced that IHSA plans to announce recommendations on Oct. 28 for winter sports, including basketball.

The board voted unanimously to appoint Darian Gill as an assistant high school cheerleading coach.

Jacob West, a Gillespie native and Blackburn College graduate, was introduced as the newest member of the Gillespie Middle School faculty. West is employed as a physical education teacher.


During administrative reports, all three building principals reported on their schools’ experience with offering hybrid in-person/online instruction. The district re-opened for in-person classes on Oct. 5. District-wide about 30 percent of the district’s enrollment are attending classes in the classroom, with about 70 percent identified as full-time or temporary online students. Temporary online students include those who are temporarily quarantined after being exposed or testing positive for COVID-19.

Owsley reported that John Schmidt recently donated $20,000 for the district to spend on efforts to cope with providing education during the pandemic. He also reported that he applied for and received 1,500 face masks from the Illinois Association of School Boards. Mike Bellovich, he said, donated funds for a water bottle filling station to be installed at BenGil Elementary to allow students to fill water bottles while drinking fountains are shut down.

Owsley also reported that Blackburn College recently received a $915,000 USDA Rural Development grant to expand dual credit course offerings among 26 participating school districts.  CUSD 7 will be allotted $99,000 for equipment that will enable Gillespie High School students to access dual credit teachers in other districts and earn college credits for some courses before graduation.

A $96,810 state grant is being used to enhance online learning opportunities, according to Owsley. He said the district is using the money to provide internet access to students who otherwise would have access in their homes, purchase tablets for third-grade students, and purchase wireless microphones for teachers to wear while teaching hybrid classes.

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Macoupin County Agriculture Education Foundation scholarships available in 2025



Carlinville – The Macoupin County Agriculture Education (MCAE) Foundation is offering 6 – $1,000 scholarships for the upcoming 2025-26 school year to students wishing to pursue agriculture majors.

The MCAE Foundation offers scholarships to provide encouragement and financial assistance to Macoupin County residents and/or students of Macoupin County schools who display well-balanced attributes of good citizenship, commitment to activities and scholastic ability.

The applicant must be a graduating high school senior or a current college student who plans to attend or is attending an Illinois junior college, college, university or Career Technical Education (CTE) program, and majoring in agriculture.

Applications are available through your high school guidance counselor, high school agriculture instructor or the Macoupin County Farm Bureau® (MCFB®). An electronic copy of the application can be requested by contacting the MCFB® office by telephone or by email at: 

All applications must be submitted to the MCFB® office by March 27, 2025.  Any questions can be directed to the MCFB® office at 217/854-2571.

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Court News

Macoupin County Courthouse News




Cases filed during January 4 through January 11. Visit the “Court News” category under the “Community News” tab for other editions.


Domincqua N. Contreras, 31 of Bunker Hill, is charged with aggravated battery in a public place in connection with a January 8 incident.

Dillion D. Grether, 25 of South Roxana, is charged with possession of methamphetamines’ (<5 grams) in connection with an October 15 incident.


Cory J. Dodson, 36 of Carlinville, is charged with theft/unauthorized control (<$500) in connection with a December 6 incident.

Megan J. Morgan, 33 of Carlinville, is charged with theft/unauthorized control (<$500) in connection with a December 6 incident.

Robert D. Sanson, 34 of Belleville, is charged with criminal trespass to a building in connection with a December 2 incident.

Christopher R. Lott, 47 of Carlinville, is charged with theft of labor/services/property and criminal trespass to land in connection with a January 7 incident.

Amiel K. Kimsey, 20 of Homewood, is charged with minor in possession of liquor in public and driving 15-20 mph above the limit in connection with a January 1 incident.


Dawn M. Malone, 57 of Collinsville, is charged with driving on a suspended license, operating an uninsured motor vehicle, disregarding a stop sign, no turn signal lights, unsafe loading, operating a motor vehicle vehicle with suspended registration, and unregistered/expired registration in connection with a January 4 incident.


Cheri L. Bagwell, 47 of Carlinville, is charged with driving on a suspended license, operating an uninsured motor vehicle, and transporting/carrying alcohol in connection with a January 1 incident.

Siera A. Lewis, 28 of Alton, is charged with driving on a suspended license, operating a motor vehicle with a suspended registration, and operating an uninsured motor vehicle in connection with a January 1 incident.

Stephen C. Springman, 37 of Shipman, is charged with driving on a revoked license in connection with a December 17 incident.

Shundrana M. Roy, 29 of Milwaukee, WI, is charged with driving on a suspended license and driving 21-25 mph above the limit in connection with a January 1 incident.


  • Trent Eichen and Summer Melton, both of Carlinville

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Sales tax question goes to Gillespie voters April 1




Gillespie voters will have an opportunity to vote on whether or not the City of Gillespie can impose a one percent retail sales tax for Public Safety purposes as a result of action taken by the city council Monday night. Council members voted unanimously to approve a resolution prepared by City Attorney Rick Verticchio to put the question on the April 1 consolidated election ballot. The question will be presented in conjunction with the election to choose the mayor, city clerk, city treasurer and three aldermen.

The council discussed the issue of seeking a Public Safety sales tax during the council’s regular meeting on Dec. 9 and during a continued meeting on Dec. 23, at which time there was speculation the city could implement the tax via resolution only without seeking voter approval. The resolution presented Monday night confirms that voters can weigh in at the ballot box on whether or not to impose the tax.

“This is just a resolution so we can have that question on the ballot,” Verticchio told the council.

During the December meetings, Treasurer Dan Fisher said the city agreed to seek the tax during collective bargaining negotiations with the police officers union.  The expected $200,000 will help cover additional costs associated with local police joining the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund system for retirement benefits, as well as the cost of adding additional police officers to cover police protection services in satellite communities. Benld Ald. Jerry Saracco told the Benld Council last month that satellite communities also were being asked to consider seeking a Public Safety sales tax to help defray police protection costs, but there appeared to be no interest on the part of the Benld Council to follow Gillespie’s lead.

In addition to the tax question and city officials, the consolidated ballot also will include elections for three Community Unit School District 7 Board of Education members, as well as township officials.


On a motion by Ald. Dave Link, seconded by Ald. Dona Rauzi, the council unanimously voted to release $59,199.26 to contractor John Watson, Gillespie, to pay subcontractors for remodeling work at the new Gillespie Police Station at 124 N. Macoupin St., the former location of Gillespie Chiropractic directly across the street from City Hall. 

Rauzi reported the city had paid Watson $9,000 to start the remodeling project. The additional money will be used to pay various vendors such as Glass Cutters, Carlinville, and Carpani Computers for installing computer networking and internet systems. 

The council also approved a $1,998.85 change order request for the project to cover the cost of reopening exterior stairs that the previous owner had enclosed. The additional money will cover the cost of siding, framing, lighting and replacing stairs that were removed when the entry was enclosed.


In a related matter, the council formally declared as surplus property a desk that the previous owner left behind and to transfer the desk to Watson. Rauzi said the desk had little value and that no other city office had a use for it. She said the options for disposing of it were to either give it to Watson or store it at the Civic Center.

With the same action, the council declared as surplus unused roof trusses which will be offered for sale via sealed bids.


On Fisher’s recommendation, the council agreed to pay Fuel Growth Group’s bill of $137,550 for billing and consulting services associated with grant management services related to $3 million in federal grants and $1 million in state grants awarded to the city for its downtown streetscape project. Fisher said the agency’s bill is based on an hourly rate totaling 7.5 percent of the $4 million in grant awards.

Verticchio said he plans to contact the vendor regarding its new contract due to concerns he has about some of the contract’s wording. He said the contract calls for an hourly rate up to $257,000 after the first installment of 50 percent is paid.

“I don’t have any great problem with the contract,” Verticchio said, adding that he wants to revise the contract so the city does not owe the balance if the billable hours do not reach $257,000. “In all probability, we will get to that amount, but I want to make sure that if we don’t reach $257,000, we won’t owe them the full amount.”


No action followed a brief executive session requested by Ald. Frank Barrett, Lake Chairman, to discuss personnel. While the nature of the discussion was not specified, it is likely the closed-door session focussed on replacing Gary Thornhill, long-time Lake Manager who recently resigned to take another job.

In a related matter, Barrett told the council he is getting pricing from Carpani Computers for a new point-of-sale computer and printer for the Lake Store. 

“When Gary left, we were using his computer and printer at the store,” Barrett said, explaining the need for new equipment.



Council members briefly discussed the status of a new communications tower, construction of which is likely to start this year. The council previously entered into a franchise agreement to lease property for the tower, which will provide services for AT&T cell phone transmissions and other providers. Ald. Wendy Ottersburg said the company revised its plan to add 20 feet to the tower’s height to expand its range.

Water Plant Operator Dave Pickett said he is eager for the tower to be completed as it will allow the Water Department to implement a computer program enabling the Department to control water flow from the pumping station to the Water Plant without having to physically travel to the pumping station.

“It will be a huge savings for us,” Pickett said.


Upon Fisher’s recommendation, the council voted unanimously to accept the city’s official audit. In a departure from past practice, no representative of the auditing firm appeared before the council to present the audit findings. Fisher said the audit showed the city to “be in the black” but did not mention whether or not the auditor made any other findings.


Mayor John Hicks reported that two-way radios previously issued to city council members are unaccounted for and asked aldermen who might still have a radio to return them to City Hall. He said the radios were issued to aid with communications in the event of an emergency.

“Somewhere along the line, some of them disappeared,” he said.


Ald. Bob Fritz, answering criticisms voiced on social media, clarified that the city does not have responsibility for removing snow on sidewalks. He said people were upset because city workers did not remove snow on sidewalks in the area of CUSD 7 schools.

“Those are not our responsibility,” Ald. Rauzi noted.


Ald. Landon Pettit said that when he worked for the city, city workers were advised by the city’s insurance provider to leave sidewalks alone. 

“The insurance company told us not to do that,” he said. “Once we clean them off, any liability for them is on us.”


Fisher told the council he plans to meet with CEJA grant partners at 6 p.m. Thursday at City Hall to discuss CEJA expenditures and closing out the grant. The federal Climate and Equitable Jobs Act grant of $1.1 million was awarded last summer. The City of Gillespie retained $70,248.57 with the remainder allotted to various local units of government, including: Village of East Gillespie, $51,654.72; City of Benld, $58,721.50; Village of Eagarville, $50,684.28; City of Staunton, $80,929.61; Gillespie Public Library, $70,248.57; Benld Public Library, $58,721.50; Gillespie Township, $73,458.48; Cahokia Township, $69,004.42; Community Unit School District 7, $98,167.33; North Mac CUSD 34, $98,584.12; Gillespie-Benld Ambulance Service, $133,202.60; Village of Royal Lakes, $51,038.87; City of Bunker Hill, $60,102.51; Village of Mount Clare, $51,878.67; and Brushy Mound Township, $53,919.08.

The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act is a federal program to mitigate against economic conditions that result as the nation moves away from fossil fuels to embrace renewable, “green” energy sources. The local grant award is related to job losses resulting from the idling of Shay Mine No. 1, formerly Monterey Mine No., 1. Each entity was awarded $50,000 plus additional funds based on “job loss” and “revenue loss” factors.

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