The Auxiliary Board and committee members who will serve in 2015.
The HSHS St. Francis Hospital Auxiliary volunteers held their general meeting in December and enjoyed lunch served by the Hospital’s Food and Nutrition Department. The Back Porch Pickers, Jim and Della Niemann & Lowell and Kathleen Chandler, provided entertainment at the meeting.
Paula Endress, Director of Philanthropy/Auxiliary Liaison at the Hospital, opened with a prayer, welcomed the group, and introduced Patti Fischer the Hospital’s new CEO/President. She thanked all auxilians for their many contributions throughout the past year. The members who comprise the group are are (Front Row) Denise DeLaCruz, President; Lisa Heyen, Vice President; Lisa Montgomery, Recording Secretary; Connie Niehaus, Treasurer; Rita Bryant, Corresponding Secretary, (Back row) Stephanie Hebenstreit, Hospitality/Publicity; Jane Martin, Program; Tonya Flannery, Newsletter; Jeanne Banovic, Gift Shop; Paulette Marten, Volunteers; Ronda Lawson, Ways and Means; Nancy Hyam and Linda Maulding, as At Large members.
Not pictured in the photo, but additional members of the group are Wendy Wuttke, Membership; Shirley State, Gift Shop; Rose Marie Tebbe, Health Advocacy; Jen Baugher, Ways and Means; Patsy Allen, Scholarships; Lou Ellen Anderson, Health Careers; and Resa Stieren, At Large member.
Endress thanked all auxilians for their many contributions throughout the past year.
“Whether volunteering in the gift shop, at the blood drives, assisting with the junior volunteer program, helping with the home tour, or other tasks, the hospital is very blessed to have the wonderful assistance of our volunteers,” Endress said as she thanked everyone.
In lieu of a gift exchange, the group contributed personal care items for the St. Clare Center Food Pantry. Auxiliary President Tonya Flannery led the business meeting and reports were given by committee members.
During the meeting, a moment of silent remembrance was given in memory of auxilians who had passed away during the year. They were Linda Simmons, Robbie Johnson, Donna Adams, and Esther Watts.
Flannery was recognized for her two years of service as President. Endress presented her with a special gift on behalf of the Auxiliary. “Tonya has shown excellent leadership in guiding the auxiliary through its 50th anniversary celebration and restructuring of the gift shop,” said Endress.
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