The valuable meteorological practice of storm chasing will be the topic of a free, one-hour program at the Carlinville Public Library at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25.
Nick Bartholomew, an experienced storm chaser with a public-outreach focus, will discuss the activities, equipment, and purpose of tracking severe weather first-hand.
Bartholomew, who has appeared to audiences across Illinois, is the owner and director of Severe Weather Information, LLC., an organization founded in 2022 which also collaborates with Illinois Storm Chasers. He has traveled the nation to witness Mother Nature’s worst weather, and has been featured on countless national news and weather outlets.
As a youth, Bartholomew was interested in weather, but was terrified at the thought of approaching thunderstorms. As he grew up, he turned that fear into a burning desire to understand severe weather.
As soon as he obtained his license, Bartholomew participated in local storm chases to observer weather up front. He has now documented over thirty tornadoes in his career, and regularly travels to the Plains region, dubbed “Tornado Alley,” to witness current outbreaks.
Bartholomew is also known for his outreach, which provides informative, entertaining, and interactive programs for all ages.
Other topics to be discussed at Carlinville include storm chasing, local climatology, past tornadic events, and severe weather safety and preparedness. A question-and-answer session will follow the program.
The Carlinville Public Library is located at 510 North Broad Street. For more information on the Stormchasers program or the many activities offered at the library, contact 217-854-3505 or
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