With 98 percent of precincts reporting, Republican appointee Avery Bourne, Raymond, has won election to the Illinois House of Representatives seat for the 95th District. As...
This story is contributed by a member of the Illinois House Republicans. Representative Avery Bourne welcomed colleagues from the Illinois House to join her on a...
This story is contributed by a member of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Chamber of Commerce today gave the Champion of Free...
This story is contributed by a member of the Illinois House Republicans. Secretary of State Jesse White announced this week that his office has reinstated the...
This story is contributed by a member of Friends of Mike Mathis. In its June jobs report released Thursday, the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES)...
This story is contributed by Representative Avery Bourne’s press secretary. State Representative Avery Bourne (R-Raymond) and State Senator Andy Manar (D-Bunker Hill) were in attendance when...
This story is contributed by a member of Friends of Mike Mathis. Concerned for the health and safety of the 43,000 frail and ill senior citizens...
This story is contributed by a member of the Illinois House Republicans. With less than two weeks left until the State of Illinois begins its second...
This story is contributed by a member of the Illinois House Republicans. Representative Avery Bourne (R-Raymond) is inviting Senior Citizens from the area to attend a...
This story is contributed by a member of Friends of Mike Mathis. Mike Mathis, candidate for state representative, expressed disappointment in Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of...
This story is contributed by a member of the House Republican Staff. Representative Avery Bourne (R-Raymond), along with members of the Illinois General Assembly, approved bipartisan...
This story is contributed by Friends of Mike Mathis. Mike Mathis, candidate for state Representative, criticized state Rep. Avery Bourne after she voted against legislation in...
Thanks to road oil bids that came in lower than anticipated, the City of Benld will be able to expand its motor fuel tax maintenance program...
The Benld City Council on Monday night took under advisement the adoption of a resolution in support of legislation being sought by a not-for-profit environmental group...
This story is contributed by a member of the House Republican Staff. Representative Avery Bourne (R-Raymond) has introduced HB 6112 which aims to strengthen and broaden...
Lee Ross, the current Macoupin County Circuit Clerk, is one step closer to retaining the position she was appointed to in December after winning the democrat...
This story is contributed by a member of Illinois Education Association. The Illinois Political Action Committee for Education (IPACE), the independent political branch of the Illinois...
Dear Editor, As a candidate for State Representative in the 95th House District, I am appalled at the recent attacks on my opponent Avery Bourne. These...
This story is contributed by a member of Friends of Mike Mathis. State Rep. Avery Bourne continues to turn her back on Illinois students and elderly...
Love getting out for some ice skating this time of year. Went to the Nelson Center and ran into @AveryBourne there! pic.twitter.com/DkJlcA44We — Bruce Rauner (@GovRauner)...