Make between $5 to $12 each meter

Cathy Petrak requested the city’s permission to use a police car on March 31.
The Benld City Council eyes selling old water meters for a profit during a regular scheduled board meeting on March 12, 2012. The council made a motion to contact United Meter Buyers to purchase the old meters that are getting replaced.
According to Mayor Hendricks, the meters will be replaced very soon with cooperation from the weather. United Meter Buyers offered anywhere between $5 to $12 for each meter. In addition, the company would provide a dumpster free of charge to dump the meters in. “It would be more than scrap price,” Hendricks noted.
Lynn Fraelle then updated the council that Build Benld approved an electrical bid for the gazebo. She went on to say that mud was running down the hill into Community Memorial Hospital’s office parking lot. The issue is set to be addressed later this week.
Trees will soon be planted at the gazebo site from the gracious donations from Build Benld members. The berm on the back of the site will be fixed up soon as volunteers and members will do the work themselves to save money.
The Build Benld website is almost complete. The website is being designed by Carpani Consulting and is set to be launched in about two weeks. After the two weeks, the city and Build Benld will review the site and possibly launch it.
Cathy Petrak requested the city’s permission to use a police car on March 31. The Veteran’s Committee is sponsoring a Veteran’s Caravan starting in Mt. Olive and coming to Benld. From Benld, it will go to Gillespie and then Dorchester. After Dorchester, it may go to Staunton. The 33 mile course will be led by the Patriot Guard and Paul Scott’s flag corvette. At each town, a veteran will place a flag at their memorial. The event will conclude at the Benld Civic Center with a short reception.
Tilashakski then asked City Attorney Rick Vertichio about the “most talked about building on Main Street.” Tilashakski said the building is unsafe and dangerous. He would like to see the city take the necessary steps to declare it a public nuisance.
The council declared the property on 100 North 6th Street a public nuisance that is “in nuisance condition threatening the public safety and welfare of citizens of Benld.”
Under new business, the council made a motion to donate $50 to Illinois Valley to help with activities. Then the council made a $100 donation to Post Prom to help purchase prizes and food for the event.
After being tabled from last month, the council discussed donating towards an animal control tranquilizer gun for the county. After letting the county use the city hall free of charge, the council made a motion to not donate towards to the gun. The motion passed with oblige from Peyton Bernot.
Under committee reports, Micky Robinson explained that the restrooms will be opened in the city park soon. He went on to thank District 7 fire department for their help in repairing wind damage to the city hall. Both flagpoles are now lighted and “looking good.”
The maintenance department then requested to order culverts. They would need 200 feet of the 8” culvert and 100 foot of the 10” culvert. The total price for this would be $1,300. There are quite a few people interested in ordering culvert for their driveway, so most of the money would be reimbursed anyway.
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