The Benld City Council approved the United States Post Office’s request to renew their lease with the City of Benld for six more months in exchange for $1 of rent. Council members split their decision 3-3 with objection from Jim Tilashalski, Teresa Tucker and Brian Frensko, but Mayor Gloria Sidar voted in favor of approving the renewal during the city’s March meeting held last Monday, March 16.
Mayor Sidar explained the city hoped for a permanent solution upon entering the initial agreement with USPS in 2013, but Sidar said her previous contact person has since retired. The new contact person for Benld is “very helpful” and Mayor Sidar believes a better lease will be made in the upcoming months.
I am not letting that post office go, we will never get it back if we do.
Alderwoman Tucker objected due the lease length. “Six months is a long time, why can’t it be three months,” Tucker questioned.
Alderman Tilashalski agreed with Tucker and also said the $1 lease should be annulled if the city and USPS makes an agreement during the six months. Mayor Sidar explained USPS requested the 6-month lease to use that time to negotiate a better deal for the city, the $1 rent would be effective for the entire lease despite any tentative agreements made between the City of Benld and USPS.
“The person I am working with now really wants us to have a fair deal,” Mayor Sidar closed. “I am not letting that post office go, we will never get it back if we do.”
Blue Carpet Corridor
Build Benld spokesperson Lynn Fraelle greeted the board with final plans for the Route 66 Blue Carpet Corridor event scheduled for June 13 and 14. Fraelle explained Benld is having a craft fair in the open lot next to Toni’s Restaurant in Benld and the group believes they have enough space for 18 tents.
Fraelle continued by asking if Build Benld could install a white vinyl fence behind the dancers and Route 66 sign saying Build Benld would hire Bauer Electric to install lighting as well. After Fraelle explained the group will take care of all the associated costs, the city council ultimately approved the installation of fencing.
Resident tries to opt out of citywide trash
Joe Mishanec greeted the council last Monday with a disability slip from his doctor in an attempt to opt out of the citywide trash service. Board members explained it is outlined in the trash contract with Flowers that they will pick up the trash bin for any disabled or elderly resident. “Just set your trash on your front porch and they will pick it up from there,” Alderman Jim Kelly explained.
You’re creating a hardship for me and then you are offering me assistance.
“I have a note from my doctor,” Mishanec responded. “I live a block away from farm land. The animals will come by and get my trash. I don’t see it as a possibility. I can’t see myself cleaning up trash after the animals get into it.”
He continued by saying he doesn’t produce enough trash to be bothered by the citywide trash service. “I fill up one Walmart bag full of trash every two months. It’s not worth $26 a month for me, it’s not fair,” Mishanec closed. “You’re creating a hardship for me and then you are offering me assistance.”

Teresa Tucker says a 6-month lease with USPS is too long.
City passed resolution to protect full government funding
The council passed Resolution 2015-18 prepared by the Illinois Municipal League to protect full government funding. Mayor Sidar explained the Illinois government is proposing to cut funding by 50% which would be nearly $74,000 loss for the City of Benld.
“We cannot afford to lose $74,000,” Mayor Sidar explained. “We have very little sales tax and we are locked in as far as real estate taxes are concerned. We cannot afford to lose anything. It’s going to impact us drastically – we will have to look at reducing the hours of our police force.”
Sidar closed by saying the City of Benld has many things that need to be fixed, but cannot be fixed currently. “We have things that need to be repaired and we can’t repair them,” she closed. “There’s only so much you can do with 50 cents. I know Bunker Hill and Girard are considering going away with their police force if this happens.”
Old Business
The city approved to purchase two security cameras to be placed inside city hall for a total cost of $300. The cameras will be able to have playback and be digitally recorded and monitored remotely.
The city also unanimously approved to give the city employees a 3-month trial period to see if they could handle the upkeep required for the city’s website. Mayor Sidar explained the office help was taught how to add minutes and make changes and at the time of the meeting last week, Gina Frensko felt like she would be able to handle the additional work.
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