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Craft fair, flea market, and coffee and cars event set for Oct. 14 in Gillespie



A huge craft fair, flea market and coffee and cars will be held on Saturday, October 14 at Gillespie United Methodist Church starting at 9 a.m. and ending at 3 p.m.

It’s not too early to think Christmas. Don’t miss the opportunity to buy those unique gifts and decorations to make your holidays special. The event will be held in the Fellowship Hall at 900 West Broadway, Gillespie, IL, rain or shine.

One-of-a-kind purses by local artist, beautiful woodwork, Primitive decor, fresh Georgia pecans for baking and gifting, local honey, Tastefully Simple, Norwex, and more will be available.

Sandwiches and desserts will also be for sale inside while cool rides will be on display at “Coffee and Cars!” in the parking lot of the church. Owners of the cars will receive a coupon for free coffee and donut upon arrival.

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Community News

Gillespie to host blood drive on Feb. 17



Gillespie Community will host a Community Blood Drive with ImpactLife, the provider of blood components for local hospitals. The blood drive will be from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Monday, February 17 at 900 Broadway, inside Gillespie Methodist Church Gym.

To donate, please contact Brenda Lowe at (217) 710-1336 or visit and use code 60020 to locate the drive. You may also call ImpactLife to schedule at 800-747-5401. Appointments are requested.

Potential donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 with parental permission form available through and weigh more than 110 pounds. A photo I.D. is required to donate.  For questions about eligibility, please call ImpactLife at (800) 747 5401. Donors who last gave blood on or before 12/23/24 are eligible to give at this drive.

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Rummage sale set for March 20-22 in Bunker Hill



A rummage sale is scheduled to be held March 20, 21, and 22 at Zion Lutheran Bunker Hill, 609 E. Warren, to benefit Meals on Wheels in Macoupin County. Meals are delivered to persons who have proved their need and inability to get a meal. Volunteers deliver the meals to their door. Zion Lutheran at Bunker Hill donates this service every sixth week.

Please start bringing your items to donate for the sale on March 17, coming in the North entrance to the Sunday School. A volunteer can assist in the unloading.

Funding for Macoupin County Meals on Wheels is tight due to rising costs of food and limited grant money from the Department of Aging. Other contributers include a grant from Bayer Corporation. There is no Government funding and1500 meals are prepared daily for three counties. Persons getting meals are asked to pay a minimal amount but many are unable.

Please come shop on Thursday, March 20 from 4-8 pm, Friday and Saturday from 8-4. 

Thank you for any help you can give in donations, purchases, volunteering to work, and prayers. All money made will be given to Illinois Valley Meals on Wheels, Macoupin County. Call Jane with any questions at 618-973-2666.

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Summer Repertory Theatre at Blackburn presents Ripcord on Jan. 17-19



Summer Repertory at Carlinville is pleased to announce the return of a comedy play to the stage. Performances of Ripcord will be held January 17 and 18th at 7:30 PM and January 19 at 2 PM at Blackburn College Bothwell Auditorium.      

Ripcord, by David Lindsay-Abaire, is based in the Bristol Place Senior Living Facility. The rivalry of odd couple roommates Abby and Marilyn, results in high stakes comedy of conflict for control of territory.

Cindy Rice and Joe Hardy bring their combined experience directing the small cast of seasoned actors.

Rice, who has directed place and musicals In Illinois and Texas, spent 15 years co-directing musicals at North Green high school.

Hardy, who began acting at age 7 with notable roles in Summer Repertory Theatre’s Shrek The Musical, The Little Mermaid , and  Suessical, has also performed at several Springfield, Illinois, theaters. He has a BA in Theatre Performance from SIUE.

Tickets for Ripcord may be purchased at the door only. Ripcord is rated PG-13. For more information, see Summer Repertory Theatre at Blackburn College Facebook page. 

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