Alli Goldasich and Patterson Friese pose after being named 2012 Homecoming King and Queen.
Seniors Patterson Friese and Allison Goldasich were presented as the royal couple Saturday evening during Homecoming coronation at the beginning of the dance. Other than the football game Friday evening, students say the Homecoming dance is their favorite part about Homecoming.
Both were ecstatic to be named 2012 royalty. “Who..” they remember thinking. It took a second to register everything. It seemed like so much was happening at once. “I couldn’t believe it,” Goldasich said after. “I saw my friends in the crowd jumping up and down, cheering my name.” A jumble of emotions whirled around her: relief, excitement, and adrenaline. Patterson remembers thinking, “What?” His initial facial expressions were priceless, he couldn’t help but hug Goldasich.
Patterson too was overwhelmed. “I was surprised and happy to receive such a title,” he told us. He went on to add that many people told him they were voting for him, but he was not sure if it would be enough to win. It became a reality after he heard his name come through the speakers. “It was a very nice surprise,” he concluded.
Friese is the son of Steve and Eddie Friese of Gillespie. Patterson has been involved in band for 4 years, chorus for 4 years, FCA for 4 years, cross country for 3 years, and track for 4 years. He is also a member of the Tri-M Music National Honor Society and the National Honor Society. Upon graduation, Patterson plans to attend Blackburn College to major in communications and minor in religion. He then plans to study at Asbury Theological Seminary to be a pastor.
Patterson was going to the homecoming dance no matter what, and of course, he was going to break it down no matter what. If anyone saw him at the “Miner Man Pageant,” being diffident is not his personality. “I thought it would be a fun experience and people told me to run,” he explained. “I didn’t see a reason not to.”
Goldasich, the daughter of Mark and Amy Goldasich, was escorted by classmate Jason Whitlock. She has participated in volleyball for 4 years, cross country for 4 years, track for 3 years, softball for 3 years, was a class officer for 4 years as she is serving as treasurer this year and has been president for 3 years, FFA for 2 years, National Honor Society for 2 years, and was recently named the September Student of the Month.
Allison plans to join the Air National Guard and attend Southern Illinois University in Carbondale to major in radiation therapy and minor in graphic design. Alli said the reason she ran for homecoming court was because of her Aunt Jodi, cousin Rylee, mom, and grandma. “They all pushed for me to do it,” Allison told us. “I did it for all of them, especially Rylee.” She went on to conclude that she is glad they talked her into it.
The first runner’s up were Abigail Harszy, daughter of Joseph and Diana Harszy, and Mason Buckner, son of Brad and Carrie Buckner. The second runner’s up were Jade Tieman, daughter of Joe and Marti Tieman, and Jason Whitlock, son of Chris and Connie Whitlock.
The royal court included Queen candidates Abigail Harszy, Shelby Jarman, Kylie Frensko, Allison Goldasich, Alexis Burns, Chelsea Gill, Deanna Landreth, Taylor Monke, Jade Tieman, Michael Halpin, and Katie Stromsland.
The King escorts were: Layne Knoche, Chris Halpin, Nathan Dickinson, Jason Whitlock, Mason Buckner, Steven Edwards, Joe Janssen, Aaron Semplowski, Patterson Friese, Micheal Heyen, and Devon Schoen.
The couple was presented by the 2011 Queen, Loni Nicole Manalia.

2012 Homecoming Court
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