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Gillespie Council eyes park improvements



Ben Marcacci of Benld discusses a project to install public art pieces along the Benld-Gillespie Bike Trail.

The City of Gillespie will seek an Open Spaces Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant of up to $600,000 following a unanimous vote by the council Monday night authorizing Mayor John Hicks to sign the application. OSLAD, which is administered by the state Department of Natural Resources, provides matching grants to local governmental units to acquire and/or develop land for outdoor recreation. If the grant application is successful, it would be matched with $600,000 in local funds, resulting in a total project cost of at least $1.2 million.

The action followed a PowerPoint presentation by Austin Burklund of Byrne & Jones Construction, St. Louis, outlining a tentative proposal for improvements to city parks. Byrne & Jones’ proposal includes a $135,000 project to remove and replace playground equipment at Big Brick Park, up to $374,000 to revamp athletic fields at Welfare Park, and $636,400 to install artificial turf on the infields. Possible “add-on” projects include new lighting at Welfare Park at a cost of $640,000, bleachers at a cost of $234,000 and development of a parking area for up to 25 cars at a cost of $99,200. Burklund said his company is still crunching numbers to estimate costs for a three-acre dog park at Welfare and a walking trail around the athletic fields.

Byrne & Jones started in 1976 as an asphalt paving company. In 1997, the company started building all-weather tracks for high schools and universities, which later evolved into developing athletic fields and park facilities. Clients currently include Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, St. Louis University and Washington University. The company was retained to build a new baseball field at Northwestern High School, Palmyra.

Later in the meeting, the council authorized Hicks to apply for the grant on a motion by Ald. Wendy Rolando, seconded by Ald. Dave Link.

In other action, the council discussed rerouted bus traffic for Community Unit School District 7, briefly discussed the status of a proposal to move the Police Department, purchased radio equipment for Gillespie Lake and declared surplus property for sale.


Mayor Hicks reported to the council that CUSD 7 will reroute bus traffic in order to start classes and dismiss students at the same times every day in all schools. Until this year, the starting and ending times for the elementary school and middle school/high school were staggered to relieve traffic congestion. Hicks said the school asked the Illinois Department of Transportation to install a stop light on Broadway at LJ Avenue but abandoned the idea when the state told the school the project would cost $3 million. CUSD 7 Transportation Director Tim Besserman told the council the school also dismissed the idea of building a road between LJ Avenue and Kelly Street when the cost estimate came back at $6 million.

CUSD 7 Transportation Director Tim Besserman explains the decision making process that determined bus routes for loading and unloading student at Community Unit School District schools this year.

Hicks told the council the school district now plans to route buses west on Broadway to Kelly Street, south on Kelly to deliver or pick up students at BenGil Elementary School. East on Plum Street for one block, then north on LJ Avenue to deliver and pick up students at the middle school/ high school.

Ald. Landon Pettit said the increased traffic will require the city to tear out and rebuild LJ Avenue. He said the bus traffic will push the current asphalt paving to the shoulder and break up. Making the street a one-way street during the times buses will be using it would encourage buses to straddle the crown and cause even more damage. Pettit also expressed concerns about buses making short turns at the intersection with Broadway, causing the edges of paving material to break off. He suggested a possibility of widening and paving the intersection with concrete to stand up to the increased wear and tear.

Earlier this year, the council approved an ordinance to restrict parking on LJ Avenue.


Besserman told the council some bus drivers tend to clip the intersection when making right turns. To mitigate against that possibility, he said he designed the route to include only left turns, which should be less likely to cause damage. To accommodate simultaneous start and finish times, Besserman said the number of buses has been increased from eight to 10.

Ald. Bill Hayes said the city or school should notify homeowners on Plum Street about increased bus traffic. Some homeowners in the area have already complained about surface damage from heavy traffic, he said.

The council took no action on the issue.

“It’s going to happen Wednesday,” Hicks commented

The council may consider making LJ Avenue, Kelly Street and one block of Plum Street one-way streets from 7-8 a.m. and 3-4 p.m. if it appears such action is necessary.

“I don’t think we have a choice,” Ald. Rolando concluded. 

In a related matter, the council directed City Attorney Rick Verticchio to write an ordinance to enable the city to erect School Zone signs on Kelly Street from Broadway to Plum. Ald. Dona Rauzi said School Resource Officer Wade Hendricks asked for the signs and Gillespie Police Chief Jared DePoppe concurred.


The council voted unanimously to authorize Chief DePoppe to buy body cameras for Gillespie police officers, contingent upon the Police Department receiving a grant to help offset the cost. DePoppe told the council he can buy 12 cameras for $50,000. He said final approval for the Department’s grant application is pending, though the Department has received Phase I approval. If the grant application is successful, the city will be awarded $34,000 to put toward purchasing the body cams.


A new Illinois law requires all police officers to be equipped with body-cams as of January 1, 2025.

Council members also authorized DePoppe to apply for a USDA grant to cover up to 55 percent of the cost of a new squad car. DePoppe said he secured a price of $52,940 from Morrow Brothers Ford, Greenfield, for a 2025 Interceptor fully equipped for police patrol. Morrow Brothers holds the state contract for vehicles, meaning municipalities can buy from them without bidding.

City Treasurer Dan Fisher said the grant award will be based on the average household income for Gillespie, meaning the city is unlikely to get the maximum 55 percent of the purchase price. “The most we’ll be likely to get will be $15,000 to $17,000,” he said.

Ald. Pettit asked DePoppe if he would consider buying a truck for patrol work, with an eye toward transferring it to Public Works when the vehicle is retired. 

“We have three departments that use vehicles,” Pettit noted. “I notice a lot of places that buy a truck for their police and transfer to another department when the police are done with it.”

While no action was taken, Pettit presented information on pricing for a new Street Department dump truck later in the meeting. He said the pricing he secured from Morrow Brothers exceeded $100,000. However, he obtained pricing of $86,000 to $105,000 from other vendors depending upon the size of the truck. All pricing included attachments such as a snow plow and spreader. Purchasing from a vendor other than Morrow Brothers would require advertising for bids.

The issue was referred back to committee and no formal action was taken.


Alderman voted unanimously to spend more than $2,500 for communication radios at Gillespie Lake. The new radios will ensure radios used by lake personnel are compatible with radios used by the police and emergency services. Council members approved spending $1,019.50 for an office radio, $788 for a truck radio and $743 for a radio to be installed on the lake department’s boat.



Upon returning to open session after a 30-minute executive session to discuss personnel, Mayor Hicks announced that the city will postpone or abandon a proposal to convert the Civic Center space formerly used by the Fire Department to offices and facilities for the Gillespie Police Department. Hicks said initial estimates for the project totaled $600,000.

“So we pared things down and rebid, and the rebid was higher than the original,” he said. “I think, as a council, we should delay this until, hopefully, we have another revenue source.”

Ald. Pettit said an option for the city could be purchasing the building that formerly housed Gillespie Chiropractic located directly across the street from the Civic Center. The building which currently houses the Police Department, Pettit said, comprises 1,500 square feet of space. It’s located on a 9,000 square foot lot, leaving only 6,000 square feet for expansion and/or parking.

The building across the street has nearly double the square footage at 2,270 square feet, and is located on a lot comprising nearly 15,000 square feet.

Austin Burklund of Byrne & Jones Construction, St. Louis, discusses tentative plans with the Gillespie City County for an ambitious tentative project to upgrade Big 
Brick and Welfare parks.

“We’d have room to build on if the need to, we’d have room for parking, or we could build a sally port,” Pettit said. “I think we’d be crazy not to look into that facility.”


On a motion by Ald. Frank Barrett, the council voted unanimously to approve the Mayor’s recommendation to declare as surplus a vacuum truck, a street sweeper and a dump truck as surplus property and offer them for sale to the highest qualified bidder. Hicks said two of the vehicles are unusable. The street sweeper malfunctioned earlier this summer, causing extensive damage to the city garage.


The council heard briefly from Ben Marcacci, Benld, about his vision for installing public art along the Benld-Gillespie Bike Trail. Marcacci presented a similar proposal to the Benld City Council last month. He told council members Monday night that he was asking permission to install public art pieces along the Gillespie end of the trail at this time.

“This is something that is in the works,” he said. ‘It’s very early in the process. If we had something up in 2026, I’d be happy.”

Marcacci said he has been in contact with art teachers and welding instructors at Gillespie High School in an effort to involve students in the project. The sculptures would be constructed of quarter-inch steel and concrete to be vandal resistant. Some of the pieces, he said, will commemorate local flora and fauna, coal mining heritage and Route 66. But some pieces would be “art for the sake of art.”


With his own background in construction, Marcacci said he would be responsible for installing the pieces. “I’m always interested in doing something for the community,” he said. 

The project would not involve city funds, according to Marcacci. He plans to subsidize the project solely with donations.

Public art is not a unique concept, Marcacci noted. Several communities and organizations have undertaken public art projects in other areas. If the bike trail concept is successful, Marcacci said the city might want to consider expanding it to other public spaces such as Gillespie Lake.


In other action, the council:

  • Approved a facade grant of up to $8,000 from Tax Increment Finance Funds to DeeDee’s Designs. The grant will cover one-half of the cost of improving the business’ facade. The grant is a reimbursement grant, meaning the owner must complete the work and then submit documentation of the cost.
  • Agreed to place two “Deaf Children Playing” signs on LJ Avenue between Plum Street and Oregon Street.
  • Agreed to donate $100 to sponsor a hole during the upcoming Gillespie Fire Department fund-raising golf tournament.
  • Ratified the Zoning Board’s decision to approve a variance at 203 East Oak Street, which will allow the resident to produce cookies for sale in her home.
  • Accepted a bid of $40 from Jeff Feeley to take down two dead trees on Pine Street.

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Benld Council approves levy, hires deputy clerk




Meeting in their new quarters for the first time, members of the Benld City Council voted unanimously Monday night to approve a property tax levy request, approved a first installment payment for work completed at the Benld Family Sports Complex,  and appointed a new deputy city clerk.

As of the last two weeks of December, Benld City Hall has been relocated to its new location at 218 East Central Avenue. The new building, the former location of First National Bank and Associated Bank, provides an improved venue for public meetings, a private room for executive sessions, plus office space and a drive-up window for water customers to drop off payments.

On a motion by Ald. Jerry Saracco, the council voted unanimously to approve a property tax levy request of $123,576.03 for 2024 taxes to be collected in 2025. The new levy request is about $3,000 more than the 2024 levy of $120,605.29. The Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL), approved by Macoupin voters in 1995 limits annual increases of no more than five percent or the Consumer Price Index, whichever is less. The current CPI, essentially the rate of inflation, currently is 3.4 percent. The levy approved Monday night represents an increase of less than three percent over the previous year’s levy.

Broken down by line item, the new levy seeks property tax revenue of $30,500 for administration, compared with $30,000 last year; $5,900 for the annual municipal audit, compared with $5,800 a year ago; $1,200 for the municipal band, which is unchanged from the previous year; $6,250 for street and bridge maintenance, compared with $6,090 the previous year; $5,350 for parks, compared with $5,250 last year; $44,636 for police protection, compared with $43,169 last year; $5,000 for social security, which is unchanged from the previous year; $1,200 for unemployment insurance, which also is unchanged from a year ago; $2,450 for workers’ compensation insurance, compare with $2,400 a year ago; and $6,500 for liability insurance, compared with $6,386 a year ago.

Additionally, the levy request includes $14,590.03 for the Benld Public Library, compared with $14,110.29 the previous year. Though included in the city’s tax levy request, the library is considered a separate taxing body.

The new levy will be submitted to the Macoupin County Clerk, who is responsible for calculating the appropriate tax rates to generate the levy.


The council voted unanimously to authorize payment of $54,347,94 to J.P. Solutions, Benld, the general contractor for the Benld Family Sports Complex, located on the former site of Benld Elementary School.

The payment covers preliminary earth work at the site, including excavating and grading, sidewalk removal and trenching. City Clerk Terri Koyne reported that workers currently are installing playground equipment.


Community Unit School District 7 transferred the site to the city after a mine subsidence event destroyed the sever-year-old Benld Elementary School. The city secured a $600,000 Open Spaces Land Acquisition and Development grant through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources last year. The city will oversee development of the park, after which management and maintenance will be turned over the Benld Sports Association.

Ald. Saracco noted the city has received half of the grant money and voiced concerns that the city could lose the second half if the facility is not completed by the end of April. Mayor Jim Kelly assured the council that HMG Engineers confirmed the facility will be completed on schedule and if the construction does go past April, the second installment of the grant will not be withdrawn.

Earlier in the meeting, Ald. Saracco reported he attended a meeting at Gillespie City Hall regarding the status of nearly $60,000 in CEJA grant funds due to the City of Benld. Saracco said the money was expected to last November or December but has been delayed. Originally, the city planned to use the money to pay for demolition of the former Tarro Supermarket on East Central Avenue. When emergency circumstances arose, however, the city had to proceed with the demolition before receiving the funds. He recommended using the money, when it arrives, to purchase a new emergency siren or to replace a culvert on East Central Avenue.

The council voted unanimously to appoint Geir Perkins as Deputy City Clerk to assist the City Clerk with office work.


On a motion by Ald. John Balzraine, seconded by Ald. Lance Cooper, the council voted unanimously to appoint Geir Perkins as Deputy City Clerk to assist the City Clerk with office work. In a separate action, the council approved expenditure of about $125 to have Perkins certified as a Notary Public and to buy a notary stamp for her use.


No action followed a 20-minute executive session requested by City Attorney Rick Verticchio to discuss a small claims lawsuit filed against the city by Monte Oberman in connection with property at 215 East Central Avenue that Oberman agreed to sell to the city in lieu of abating a public nuisance.

In related property matters, the council directed Verticchio to send notice of an ordinance violation to the owners of the former Benld Senior Nutrition Center, 205 East Central Avenue, for bricks falling from the front wall onto the sidewalk.

Verticchio also was directed to pursue action against the owners of 407 and 409 South Fourth Street for allegedly allowing persons to live in the residences without passing a building inspection. Ald. Balzraine said someone is living in a mobile home at 407 South Fourth and in a home located at 409 South Fourth.

Verticchio said he is working in court to get authorization to enter the mobile home for purposes of an inspection. A hearing is scheduled this Friday to obtain an administrative search warrant that will allow the city’s housing inspector to enter the residence.


On a motion by Ald. Dustin Fletcher, the council approved replenishing the city’s stockpile of culvert materials at a cost of $9,506.17.



Ferdinand Girardi appeared before the council to voice concerns about snow removal practices following the most recent snowstorm. Girardi said city workers threw up a three-foot embankment in front of his driveway when city streets were plowed and refused to plow access to his driveway. Ald. Balzraine disputed that there was a three-foot embankment in front of Girard’s home and confirmed that city crews are not responsible for plowing private driveways.

“What do you expect me to do?” Girardi wanted to know.

“I want you to take care of your driveway like everyone else,” Balzraine replied.

“You expect a 97-year-old man to get out and shovel out a driveway?”

“No,” Balraine responded, “I expect you to hire someone like everyone else does.”

Mayor Kelly reiterated that cars must be moved off  streets during a snow emergency.

“If there’s a car in the road,” Kelly said, “the police will call you to move it. If you don’t move the car, it will be towed. Cars have to be off the road and plows have to be able to get through when there’s a snow emergency.”

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County board authorizes resurfacing project on Staunton-Bunker Hill Road




Macoupin County Board members voted unanimously Tuesday night to authorize a $1 million project to resurface about 2.7 miles of Staunton-Bunker Hill Road.

County Engineer Tom Reinhart told the board that the section of Staunton-Bunker Hill Road was selected to expend remaining Rebuild Illinois funds because it could be improved with an overlay without extensive patching or rebuilding. The board resolution approved Tuesday night appropriates $997,904.40, representing the balance of RBI funds allotted to the county, to mill and resurface more than 13,200 feet of Staunton-Bunker Hill Road, proceeding west from the county highway’s intersection with Illinois Route 4 near Staunton. Additionally, the board voted unanimously to approve a resolution entering into a $29,542 contract with Veenstra & Krimm, Inc., Springfield, to provide engineering, consulting and oversight services for the project.

A bid letting for the resurfacing is expected this spring.

In other action, the board agreed to sell 2.5 acres of surplus property and approved a controversial division of one lot in the Gander Subdivision between Brighton and Bunker Hill.


After an extensive discussion, the board voted unanimously to declare 2.55 acres of county-owned land lying to the east of Poggenpohl Redi-Mix and Construction, north of Carlinville, as surplus property and offer it for sale via sealed bids.  Bids are due by Feb. 28.

Board member Todd Armour said at least one potential buyer has expressed interest in acquiring the property but “some members of the committee thought there might be other buyers.”

The board, however, tabled action on another six acres of property located west of the Poggenpohl facility. 

“There’s another six acres out there,” Armour said. “The committee wondered if we should get an appraisal on all of it, advertise it for sale and get the county out of the property business.” 


The additional six acres is contingent to the Macoupin County Fairgrounds, Armour said. A potential buyer expressed interest in buying it and allowing the Fair Board to use the property for overflow parking during the fair and other events. 

Armour reported the committee retained Aumann Auctions to appraise the initial properties. The 2.55 acres now offered for sale was appraised at $60,000, with the initial 5.99 acres appraised at $110,000. A new appraisal would include the initial 5.99 acres, plus an additional six acres. State law requires the county to sell the property for a sum no less than 80 percent of the appraisal.

Board member Holly Klausing commented that selling the first 5.99 acres without including the second six-acre parcel could be problematic. “I’m afraid that if we sell these two parcels,” she said, “no one will be interested in the other six acres because it will be landlocked.”

Armour also noted that a farmer who is renting the land from the county has already added soil amendments for the upcoming growing season. “If we sell it out from under him, we’ll have to reimburse him for that,” Armour said.

Ultimately, the board agreed to offer the initial 2.55 acres east of Poggenpohl for sale while tabling a decision on the remaining property pending an appraisal and additional information.


With three dissenting votes, the board approved a plan to subdivide Lot 1 of the Gander Pointe Subdivision near Brighton into three separate lots ranging from one acre to 1.5 acres in size.The issue has been under discussion by the board since December, with some board members questioning whether or not the subdivision owners were attempting to circumvent county ordinances defining the difference between major and minor subdivision developments. Gander Pointe currently is a minor subdivision subject to fewer rules and regulations than a major subdivision.

Aaron Coe, the county’s GIS Manager and Plat Officer, told the board that State’s Attorney Jordon Garrison had researched the issue and found no language in the county’s ordinances that would prevent Gander Pointe owners from further subdividing a lot depicted in the original plat. Further, the cities of Bunker Hill and Brighton, exercising their one and one-half-mile jurisdiction, both agreed to the resubdvision plan. 

While the Road and Bridge Committee reviewed the resubdivision plan and recommended approval, a resolution to approve the plan was approved 15-3 with board members Tony Wiggins, Ross Arden and Gordon Heuer voting “no.”



The board tabled a resolution to approve an engineering agreement totaling $941,000 for work in connection with improving roads to and from the Lotus Wind Farm project in northwestern Macoupin County. County Clerk Pete Duncan said there were numerous questions about the resolution, including the cost of the contract. Scott Jansen, senior development manager for APEX Clean Energy, participated via telephone, telling the board he questioned the $941,000 figure. Questioned by Duncan, Jansen was unable to confirm whether or not the company would pay the cost directly or reimburse the county for the expense.

“I think the best thing to do is to table this agreement tonight,” Duncan told the board. “Let the committee talk about it and come back next month. We’re talking about a lot of money.”

Reinhardt agreed, suggesting the board invite Jansen to the February board meeting to answer questions and provide additional information.

If approved, the resolution would authorize the county to enter into a contract with Cummins Engineering, Springfield, to oversee road improvements to support the weight of heavy equipment used in developing the wind farm.

“This resolution is solely for oversight,” Reinhardt said. “APEX is paying for it all. There’s no county money involved.”

Stretching across North Palmyra and North Otter Townships, the Lotus Wind Farm will have about 50 wind turbines capable of generating 200 megawatts of power—enough to operate 77,500 homes. The company website claims the project will create more than 100 jobs during the construction phase, plus nine permanent jobs when the facility is up and running. The wind farm is expected to generated upward of $57 million in new property tax revenue over the life of the project.


Duncan presented a financial report for the first four months of the current fiscal year, show revenues for the General Fund to be down by $32,000 from a year ago at this time. He said revenue from sales tax, income tax and the personal property replacement tax have been significantly higher in past years.

“Obviously, it’s going to be tight,” Duncan said, “and that’s why I’ll be doing a review every month.”



Board members unanimously approved a routine resolution in support of the Great Rivers and Routes Tourism Bureau. The annual resolution is assists the Bureau in seeking annual re-certification from the State of Illinois.

“In my opinion, they do a good job for us,” said Armour in moving to approve the measure.


In other action, the board:

  • Appointed Dale Lawrence and Joe Perkins, and re-appointed Noah Sisson to three-year terms ending on Feb. 28, 2028, on the Emergency 911 Board, and designated Perkins as an “at-large” member.
  • Appointed Duncan as the Freedom of Information Act officer for the county board.
  • Approved Chairman Larry Schmidt committee appointments as follows: 
    • Building and Grounds: Harry Starr, chair; Jim Ibberson, vice-chair; John Blank, Gordon Heuer, Ryan Kilduff, John Trevino, Tony Wiggins.
    • Courts: Kristi Dunnagan, chair; Kilduff, vice-chair; John Payne, Molly Rosentreter, Arron Stayton, Blank, Wiggins.
    • Economic Development: Holly Klausing, chair; Starr, vice-chair; Blank, Kilduff, Dunnagan, Payne, Rosenterer.
    • Finance: Payne, chair; Todd Armour, vice-chair; Ross Adden, Mark Dragovich, Bernie Kiel, Blank, Heuer, 
    • General Administrative: Kiel, chair; Stayton, vice-chair; Leann Barr, Klausing, Ibberson, Trevino.
    • Labor Management: Armour, chair;Dunnagan, vice-chair; Stayton, Dragovich, Heuer, Klausing, Trevino.
    • Liquor Commission: Ibberson, chair; Klausing, vice-chair; Barr, Blank Rosentreter, Starr, Wiggins.
    • Public Safety: Stayton, chair; Dragovich, vice-chair; Barr, Adden, Ibberson, Payne, Starr.
    • Road and Bridge: Kiel, chair; Heuer, vice-chair; Adden, Armoiur, Barr, Rosentreter, Wiggins.

No action followed a five-minute executive session to discuss employment in the State’s Attorney’s office.

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Macoupin County Agriculture Education Foundation scholarships available in 2025



Carlinville – The Macoupin County Agriculture Education (MCAE) Foundation is offering 6 – $1,000 scholarships for the upcoming 2025-26 school year to students wishing to pursue agriculture majors.

The MCAE Foundation offers scholarships to provide encouragement and financial assistance to Macoupin County residents and/or students of Macoupin County schools who display well-balanced attributes of good citizenship, commitment to activities and scholastic ability.

The applicant must be a graduating high school senior or a current college student who plans to attend or is attending an Illinois junior college, college, university or Career Technical Education (CTE) program, and majoring in agriculture.

Applications are available through your high school guidance counselor, high school agriculture instructor or the Macoupin County Farm Bureau® (MCFB®). An electronic copy of the application can be requested by contacting the MCFB® office by telephone or by email at: 

All applications must be submitted to the MCFB® office by March 27, 2025.  Any questions can be directed to the MCFB® office at 217/854-2571.

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