Officer was called to 400 block of E. Wilson where it was reported that 4 juveniles were at a vacant house, playing in the yard and the front door was wide open. The juveniles advised the door was already standing open when they arrived there. The four male subjects were talked to and given a verbal warning for trespassing.
Officer was called to the 900 block of S. Madison for a domestic between a male and the grandmother of his child. He did not want the child to leave. The mother was called at work and said she asked them to take her daughter for the night. The daughter left with the grandmother.
Officer was called to the 400 block of E. Walnut to take a theft report. Someone had knocked out a window on the garage and stole a new welder. Also, taken was a weed eater that was outside of the garage. This case is under investigation.
Officer received a call from a Macoupin county deputy who received information of a possible meth lab located in the 300 block of E. Chestnut. During the investigation meth making items were located. The suspect was spotted and ran from the officers but was finally located in the 200 block of E. Chestnut in the creek. Wayne D. Allen, 50, Gillespie was arrested for methamphetamine manufacturing waste and was transported to the Macoupin county jail.
Officer took a report from a female who was receiving phone calls from another female wanting her medication. That female was called and advised not to make anymore call or charges would be filed.
Wendi Hancock, 48, Gillespie was arrested for failure to signal when required, improper lane usage, no insurance and driving under the influence of drugs. She was transported to Macoupin County jail.
Threase A. Jordan, 39, Gillespie was arrested for loud muffler, illegal squealing of tires, no insurance and driving under the influence of alcohol. She posted bond and was released.
Officer took a report from a subject in the 1200 block of S. Macoupin who reported he had items taken from his unlocked garage. This case is under investigation.
Barbara A. Montgomery, 53, St. Louis, MO was arrested on a warrant out of Alton after stopping her for speeding. She was, also charged for having no insurance. She posted bond and was released.
Benjamin W. Moore, 30, Gillespie was arrested on a warrant out of Macoupin County for faiure to appear on a driving while license suspended charge. He was, also wanted out of St. Louis, MO for probation violation. He was transported to Macoupin County jail.
Officers were called to the 100 block of W. Maple for a domestic in progress. When they arrived they were told that there was an argument and the male grabbed the female by the throat. The male, Nathan E. Wilson, 25, Gillespie was arrested on a warrant out of Macoupin County for failure to appear on a theft charge and another warrant out of Montgomery County for failure to appear on a DUI charge. He was transported to Macoupin County jail.
Officer was called to the 300 block of Handy to take a theft report of medication from the female who lived there. This case is under investigation.
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