Students show off their biography posters.
Pictured are Front L-R: Emily Campbell (Alexander Bell), Joey Carter (General George Patton), Desirae Ballinger (Shirley Temple)
Back L-R: Rylee Jarman (Martin Luther King, Jr.), Breeanne Mull (Marilyn Monroe), and Lindsey Miller (McKayla Maroney)
GMS students in the 6th grade are wrapping up a busy 3rd quarter of the 2012-2013 school year. English Language Arts students completed a biography project in which they researched, wrote and presented to their classmates. This project gave our students experience in research, writing and public speaking.
To complete the project, students elected a person in history to be their “Class President”. General George Patton was the student’s choice. Their choice of “Class President” hopefully inspires each student to “do more than is required of you,” as General George Patton would say.
With just two weeks before the end of the third quarter fifteen percent (15%) of students had met/exceeded in their AR goals. Forty-five percent (45%) of students acquired at least one AR point, meaning they’ve read at least one book that was within their reading level and scored an 85% or better. However, 40% of students have NOT read one single Parents, we urge you to encourage reading at home and to check your child’s AR status from the CUSD #7 home page or call the school and ask to speak with the 6th grade Language Arts teacher, Mrs. Henderson, for an explanation of the process.
During the third quarter, the sixth grade Social Studies classes studied Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. They began their studies by learning about the origins of the Greek society. The Trojan War, the Persian Wars and the Peloponnesian War, which shaped the Mediterranean World were also discussed. The students enjoyed reading about the Greek Gods and the mythology of how the Greeks described natural events.
The social study classes wrapped up the third quarter by learning about how the Roman Empire grew and its eventual decline. During the fourth quarter, students will be studying the exploration of the Americas, Early American Peoples, and the founding of colonies in the Americas.
The sixth grade math classes learned about statistics in the month of January. The students developed an understanding of Measures of Central Tendency and Measures of Variation. The kids applied these techniques to real-life problems. The students learned how to create a dot plot and a box plot, and answered percent questions about the information that was graphed.
In February, the math classes moved on to the coordinate plane and graphed in all quadrants. The kids even graphed points in the plane to create shapes they had to identify. This led us into the study of geometry where students learned about shapes, angles, perimeters and area.
After learning about the characteristics of organisms and animals, the last month of 2012 was focused on invertebrates in science classes. The third quarter students moved to vertebrate animals studying the classifications of fish amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. In addition to learning the purpose of binomial nomenclature began by Carolus Lenneaus, the students gained a broader understanding of their own impact on each of these vertebrates. Learning how the way they live their lives and what they do daily impacts other organisms in their ecosystem and is important to our planet and young people.
Students in the science classes are currently studying electricity. The electron of an atom and how it travels to provide energy to devices we rely on daily. Understanding the positive charge of protons and how electrons flow similar to water is key. Science lessons are relating all the facts learned to the application of building parallel and series circuits; life revolves around our daily use of electricity and a basic understanding is useful.
Contact the middle school office with any questions about education or curriculum material. Look forward to an exciting fourth quarter from the middle school level.
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