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You walk downstairs to find water in your basement. Maybe you thought everything was dry, but now you have mold. Who do you call?
PuroClean is a locally owned and operated professional restoration service company, who handles water, mold, fire and biohazard.
“Anything out the ordinary that a normal janitorial service wouldn’t mess with; animal waste, special odors, we handle those,” said Owner and General Manager Phil Hellmann.
Hellmann opened the Gillespie PuroClean in July of 2008. Since then they have serviced over 100 claims with 100% positive feedback from their homeowner surveys. With business continuing to pick-up, PuroClean is looking to expand their facility closer to the Metro-East, but keep their headquarters in Macoupin County.
“I’m looking for a warehouse with about 2,000 square feet, a garage door and a couple hundred square feet of office space,” said Hellmann.
Macoupin Economic Development Partnership has been able to assist Hellmann with his search using their LocationOne buildings/sites database. This free service allows business owners, like Hellmann, to research available properties at their convenience and according to their criteria.
“We hope other businesses who are thinking of expanding will take advantage of this free service,” said MEDP Executive
Director Shari Albrecht. “In turn, if you have a building or site you are looking to sell or lease please contact us or have your agent contact us.”
In addition to a larger location, PuroClean is looking to hire one more full-time employee.
“We would prefer a background in water and fire restoration, but more importantly need someone with a good work ethic, strong customer service skills and the biggest trait, understand that we are going into people’s homes when they are in a state of shock and we need to be sensitive to their situation,” said Hellmann.
PuroClean handles more water jobs than anything else, with fire restoration a close second. Although they encourage homeowners to contact their insurance provider first, they also advise them not to wait on adjusters before clean-up.
“The longer a homeowner waits, the more the cost of the (water damage) claim goes up,” said Hellmann. “The biggest message I would like to get out there is that who the homeowner contracts with is entirely up to them. Most people think you have to use someone provided by your insurance and that is not the case.”
Visit PuroClean at or call 217-801-9300. To list your property one MEDP’s LocationOne database, please call 618-409-6044 or email
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