Objection filed on three CUSD #7 school board Petitions
The consolidated election in the BenGil area will take place on April 9, 2013. Voters in the area will elect individuals to both the Gillespie and Benld municipal boards and the Community Unit School District 7 school board. Positions are up for election on both Gillespie and Benld city councils and for Gillespie Community School District 7 school board.
The names of the candidates will appear on the April ballot in the order they submitted their nominating papers. Since candidates filed simultaneously for school board election, a lottery determined what position names would be listed on the ballot. The results from CUSD #7 school board lottery are: Tracy Hellmann, Stephen Koniak, Don Dobrino, Dave Griffel, and William (Bill) Carter.
Unlike municipal boards, school board positions look different on the ballot. Positions are classified by townships. In the case of a lottery on the school board level, the district the winner of the lottery is running for gets his or her district placed first on the ballot.
Three positions are up for grabs on the district 7 school board. Four-year terms of Don Dobrino (Cahokia Township), Dave Griffel (Brushy Mound Township), and Bill Carter (Dorchester Township) will all expire in 2013. According to district 7 administration staff, all three incumbents are running for reelection in April.
In addition to the three incumbents running, Stephen Koniak and Tracy Hellmann have turned in petitions at this point. Both Koniak and Hellmann will be running from the Cahokia Township. A maximum of three people can serve from each township. Peyton Bernot is currently representing Cahokia Township while Mark Hayes, Jennifer Alepra, and Weye Schmidt are all representing Gillespie Township.
Due to a recent petition objection filing, an Electoral Board meeting will be held on Monday, January 7 in the district 7 administration annex. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss objections on petitions of Don Dobrino, William (Bill) Carter, and Dave Griffel. If the Electoral Board comprised of three board members rules in favor of the candidates, the case could be taken to Circuit Court.
If the board rules the objections are true, the candidates can take the case to Circuit Court to remain on the ballot. In the case of the petitions being nixed from the election, candidates have until February 7 to declare running as a write-in candidate.
Eight positions will be filled on the Gillespie municipal board. Incumbent members whose terms will end are John Hicks (Mayor), Francis Smith (City Clerk), Dan Fisher (Treasurer), Jerry Doliger (Ward 1 Alderman), Frank Barrett (Ward 2 Alderman), Dave Tucker (Ward 3 Alderman), John Ronald (Ward 4 Alderman), and Steve Kluethe (Ward 4 Alderman).
Hicks, Smith, Fisher, Doliger, Tucker, Barrett, and Kluethe have all turned in their petitions seeking reelection in their current position. Klethe is running for reelection in Ward 4 seeking election for a 2 year term.
In addition to the incumbents, Brenda Mix and William Roberson are seeking election in Ward 1. Gus Ottersburg and Stephen King are seeking election in Ward 4 for the four year term.
Six positions are up for grabs on the Benld municipal board. Incumbent members whose term is ending in April of 2013 are Mickey Robinson (Mayor), Wanda Bernot (City Clerk), Mary Ann Scopel (Treasurer), Lynn Fraelle (Ward 1), Gloria Sidar (Ward 1), George Nepute (Ward 2), and Jim Kelly (Ward 3).
The City Clerk’s office in Benld has received a petition from Peyton Bernot and Gloria Sidar seeking election as Mayor while Nadine Ferrero is seeking election as City Clerk and Mary Ann Scopel is running for reelection as treasurer. Teresa Tucker has turned in a petition seeking election as Alderwoman of Ward 1 for the four year term while Brian Frensko is seeking election in Ward 1 for the two year term.
Mickey Robinson has decided not to run for reelection as mayor after being appointed mid-2012. He is seeking election as alderman of Ward 2 while incumbent Jim Kelly is seeking reelection as Alderman of Ward 3.
Candidates have until February 7 to file as a write-in candidate.
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