Community News
New Elementary School is 6 weeks behind schedule
13 years agoon
BenGil Staff
Tom Hyde, district architect, updated the school board on current capital projects during their regular scheduled board meeting on Monday, December 19. “Construction schedules are fluid based on a few different things,” Hyde opened.
First and foremost, Hyde explained that the site prep-work occurred during the month of August and was originally scheduled for July. Other work still needs to be done for the water retention area that will rest east of the drive off the side of 16.
The mine grouting process did not actually start until the middle of October and Hayward Baker has experienced numerous issues along the way such as equipment issues and material issues. The grouting process was supposed to be complete by the end of November and as they are still in the grouting process, Hyde expects them to be complete around February. “That is the best they can do with what they got,” Hyde said of Hayward Baker, “Keep in mind that they have 30 people working on site each day.”
As far as the building construction, the intent was to dove tail the foundation work with the completion of the grouting process but again, that is delayed. Hayward Baker is currently grouting on the east side of the property. They anticipated being able to grout 800 yards per day, but the best they have been able to do with one plant is 250 yards. “They have come to the generalization that they are only going to complete 400-500 yards per day, at best,” Hyde added.
As stated before, the grouting will not be complete until February, so Korte Luitjohan can not start until then. They anticipate their work on the foundation and steel work will last about 6 weeks which will be about one and one half months off schedule.
“Right now, we are about a month and a half behind schedule,” Hyde closed, “They have had a litany of issues.” According to Skeans four weeks ago, the “project is on schedule and there have been no problems whatsoever.”
The school board then went on to accept a letter from Illinois Clean Energy Commission indicating that they are pleased to inform the district “that the Clean Energy Foundation has approved a grant of $352,500 to the Gillespie School District for the Elementary School.” The forms have already been signed and sent back in to accept the grant.
“In essence, we will soon be getting a check that will be deposited in our account,” Superintendent Skeans noted, “for $352,500 to help us in ground sourcing systems such as photovoltaic and wind turbines.” Skeans did mention that the district is not done applying for grants, so there could possibly be more in the future.
The Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation was established in December 1999 as an independent foundation with a $225 million endowment provided by Commonwealth Edison. The Foundation exists to improve energy efficiency, advance the development of renewable energy resources and protect natural areas for people in communities all across Illinois.
Since its first sets of grants in 2001, the Foundation has awarded over 3,600 grants, totaling $212 million, to Illinois nonprofit organizations, schools, municipalities and other local and state government agencies. The grants support activities in every one of Illinois’ 102 counties.
Under personnel actions, the board is in the process of evaluating Superintendent Paul Skeans and intends to have the process complete by the January meeting. The board went on to recommend to appoint fall coaches as presented FSY 2013 and approve 12 week maternity leave for high school instructor Kelly Bulla.
Skeans went on to announce that CUSD #7 received numerous “perfect” audits on both the federal and state levels. “I was told by the federal auditor, that resides in Indiana, that our school is the first school district he has not been able to make a comment on,” Skeans added.
In addition to the audit, Skeans noted that the district had a surprise state inspection by the State of Illinois for their transportation on December 19. “Their comments were: for an old fleet, we are great,” Skeans read, “One of the cleanest buses and facilities they have seen. All of them met every standard that they are supposed to meet.”
After meeting with several other superintendents and presenting them with Griffel’s letter concerning distant learning, Skeans announced that he received a positive response from all the superintendents. “Number one, we are going to share in the concept of distance learning and share staff for number two,” Superintendent Skeans closed. Skeans clarified that he is not just speaking to surrounding districts because the staff can be anywhere as long as there is in internet connection.
Next, the school administrators updated the school board on what is going on in each building. Mr. Tiburzi, high school principal, opened and noted the attendance for the month of November was 92.2%. Tiburzi went on to state that curriculum maps for the first quarter have been submitted and are being reviewed. Also in the curriculum, classes are presenting PSAE/ACT questions to the students to prepare for the April tests.
“The high school band and chorus concert was an outstanding performance,” Tiburzi continued. The physics team received $150.00 for placing second at the Blackburn College Science Day and the basketball teams will be competing in the Carlinville Holiday Tournament beginning Monday, December 26th. Tiburzi closed with a congratulations to wrestlers: Josh Harvill (5th), Cotey McCallister (2nd) and Eric Tiller (2nd) for placing in the Porta Wrestling Tournament.

The $352,500 can be used towards wind turbines which was in the renewable energy plan for the new elementary school.
The updates continued to the middle school where Ms. Lori Emmons noted that the teachers will be conducting ISAT skills review twice a week in study hall starting in the 3rd quarter. Emmons went on to appreciate the student council as they collected 518 cans for the Caring Center in Gillespie. The student council previously collected over $600 in a penny drive.
Principal Emmons went on to congratulate the 8th grade boys basketball team after they placed first in the Staunton Tournament and then announced that the Indians will host Litchfield at home on January 2nd.
Ms. Angela Turcol concluded the updates as she updated the board on Elementary news. Turcol explained to the board what the school is doing to be in contact with the parents. In prior meetings, principal Turcol explained how they are keeping in touch with the students and tracing their progress, but this is the first time the elementary school has been in reach with the parents. “We really need their support in all aspects of their child’s education,” Turcol suggested.
The school board went on to approve the December bills as follows:
- Education Fund: $55,442.50
- Building Fund: $19,111.18
- Transportation Fund: $9,179.18
- Site & Construction Fund: $666,007.38
- Grand Total: $749,740.24
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Joshua M. Maloney, 28 of Bunker Hill, is charged with domestic battery in connection with a February 1 incident.
Mark D. Bartok, 66 of Bunker Hill, is charged with criminal damage to government property (<$500) and criminal trespass to a residence in connection with a February 1 incident.
William R. Werner, 28 of Staunton, is charged with aggravated batter of a peace officer in connection with a February 4 incident
Patrick D. Greer, 39 of Mount Olive, is charged with possession of methamphetamine (15 < 100 grams) in connection with a February 5 incident.
Caleb A. Stoner, 33 of Bunker Hill, is charged with theft/unauthorized control (>10k<100k) in connection with a February 24, 2022 incident.
Mark D. Bartok, 66 of Bunker Hill, is charged with criminal trespass to residence in connection with a February 3 incident.
Michael A. Rhodes, 36 of Palmyra, is charged with resisting a peace officer/firefighter/corrections employee and criminal trespass to land in connection with February 3 incident.
Jose J. Garcia Romero, 26 of Chicago, is charged with speeding 26-34 mph over the limit in connection with a January 26 incident.
Howard E. Nelson, 32 of Hettick, is charged with improper use of registration/title in connection with a January 29 incident.
Casey J. Smith, 33 of Carlinville, is charged with improper use of registration/title in connection with a January 24 incident.
Joshua R. Tieman, 21 of Carlinville, is charged with improper use of registration/title, unlicensed, and operating an uninsured motor vehicle in connection with a January 29 incident.
Alexis Cheyene Pierce, 30 of South Bend, IN, is charged with speeding 26-34 mph over the limit in connection with a January 30 incident.
Shycare J. G. Johnson, 26 of Marietta, GA, is charged with driving on a suspended license in connection with a January 27 incident.
Jonathan W. Baumberger, 45 of Litchfield, is charged with speeding 26-34 mph over the limit in connection with a January 28 incident.
Lamonja L. Warren, 26 of Carlinville, is charged with driving on a suspended license, operating an uninsured motor vehicle, and driving 21-25 mph above the limit in connection with a January 29 incident.
Jason P. Duffecy, 48 of Lombard, is charged with driving on a suspended license and driving 15-20 mph above the limit in connection with a January 29 incident.
Tijuana C. Good, 37 of Ephrata, PA, is charged with fleeing/attempting to elude officer and improper turn signal, in connection with a January 30 incident.
Pedro A. Membreno, 40 of Saint Louis, MO, is charged with driving while never issued a license in connection with a January 5 incident.
Ashleigh K. Bethel, 41 of Benld, is charged with driving on a suspended license in connection with a January 30 incident.
Jayden M. Harper, 30 of Chesterfield, is charged with driving on a suspended license in connection with a January 31 incident.
- Ronald W. Clarkson versus Angela R. Clarkson
- Krystie E. Lumma versus Shawn T. Lumma
Police News
Gillespie Police Report February 2 – February 8, 2024
5 days agoon
February 10, 2025By
Averi G
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 900 block of Springfield Road in East Gillespie in reference to criminal trespass.
An officer was dispatched to the 400 block of East Elm Street in reference to a found item.
An officer was dispatched to the 500 block of East Walnut Street in reference to a domestic dispute.
An officer spoke with a male at Gillespie Police Department in reference to neighborhood trouble at Circle Drive at Gillespie Lake.
An officer spoke with a juvenile at Gillespie Police Department in reference to a juvenile issue in the 500 block of Baker Street.
An officer was dispatched to Gillespie Lake by the horse arena and camp sites in reference to suspicious vehicles.
An officer was dispatched to Gillespie Police Department to speak with a female in reference to fraud.
An officer was out with a vehicle blocking the roadway in the 100 block of South Main Street in Benld blocking the roadway.
An officer was out in the 400 block of North 4th Street in Benld in reference to a security check.
An officer was dispatched to the 500 block of East Walnut Street in reference to a domestic dispute.
An officer was dispatched to the 1100 block of Abba Street in reference to a civil issue.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 300 block of South Macoupin Street in reference to fraud.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Macoupin Street and Maple Street. Zyan T. Kolesar, 24 of Gillespie, was cited for driving on suspended registration.
An officer was dispatched to 300 block of Park Avenue in reference to illegal burning.
An officer was dispatched to Gillespie Police Department to speak with a male in reference to a civil issue in the 1100 block of Abba Street.
An officer was dispatched to the 300 block of South Macoupin Street in reference to a suspicious person.
An officer was dispatched to the business in the 800 block of Broadway Street in reference to a medical assist.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of East Burton Street in reference to juvenile issues.
An officer spoke with a male at Gillespie Police Department in reference to property on Green Street.
An officer was dispatched to the 7500 block if Staunton Road in reference to a medical assist.
An officer was dispatched to the 300 block of East Walnut Street in reference to a suspicious person.
An officer was dispatched to the 400 block of West Walnut Street in reference to a suspicious item.
An officer spoke with a male at Gillespie Police Department in reference to a civil issue in the 100 block in the 100 block of South Main Street in Benld.
Donald E. Ruyle, 51 of Benld, was arrested on a warrant out Macoupin County for failure to appear on domestic battery.
An officer was dispatched to the 300 block of West Burton Street in reference to criminal trespass to property.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of West Easton Street in reference to a domestic dispute.
An officer was dispatched to the 900 block of Adams in reference to a suspicious person.
An officer was dispatched to the 300 block of North 8th Street in Benld in reference to criminal trespass.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of West Dorsey Street in Benld in reference to a fire call.
An officer was dispatched to the 900 block of Adams street in reference to a suspicious person,
An officer was dispatched to Gillespie Police Department in reference to speaking with a female reference someone who she believed to be hacking into her cellphone.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 200 block of Southern Street in reference to a 911 call.
An officer was dispatched to Irene Street and Adams Street in reference to a suspicious person.
An officer spoke with a male at Gillespie Police Department in reference to a suspicious male in the 400 block of Pear Street.
An officer was initiated a traffic stop at Broadway Street and Kelly Street. Kyle R. Aldridge, 28 of Auburn, was issued a citation for operating uninsured vehicle.
An officer spoke with a male at Gillespie Police Department in reference to a neighbor dispute in the 700 block of South Macoupin Street.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 800 block of Broadway Street in reference to an alarm sounding.
An officer was dispatched to the 400 block of West Henrietta Street in reference to a suspicious circumstance.
An officer spoke with a female and a stepfather at Gillespie Police Department in reference to a family dispute in the 400 block of West Dorsey Street in Benld.
An officer was dispatched to the 100 block of West Oak Street in Benld in reference to a possible fire.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of West Easton Street in reference to domestic battery. David L. Clark, 32 of Gillespie, was arrested for domestic battery.
An officer was dispatched to Harmony Lane at Gillespie Lake in reference to a suicidal subject.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 100 block of South Hard Road in reference to criminal trespass to property.
An officer was dispatched to the 300 block of Francis Street in reference to a 911 call.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 400 block of South Macoupin Street in reference to a juvenile issue.
An officer was dispatched to the 700 block of Clay Street in East Gillespie in reference to suspicious circumstances.
An officer spoke with a female at Gillespie Police Department in reference to a civil issue.
An officer was dispatched to Clinton Street in reference to a suspicious male.
An officer spoke with a male at Gillespie Police Department in reference to a civil issue in the 200 block of North 8th Street in Benld.
An officer was dispatched to the 800 block of South Second Street in reference to a suspicious person.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Illinois Avenue and Springfield Road in East Gillespie. Melissa L. Sutton, 60 of East Gillespie, was issued a citation for no valid registration.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Dorsey Street and 2nd Street in Benld. A 16-year-old female from Gillespie was issued a citation for speeding.
An officer was dispatched to Macoupin Street and Broadway Street in reference to traffic control.
An officer was dispatched to North Clinton Street in reference to a four wheeler on the roadway.
An officer spoke with a female at Gillespie Police Department in reference to child abandonment.
An officer spoke with a female in the 500 block of Dorsey Road in Mt. Clare in reference to a civil issue.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of East Central Avenue in Benld in reference to criminal trespass to property.
An officer was dispatched to the 300 block of West Walnut Street in reference to criminal trespass to residence.
An officer spoke with a female at Gillespie Police Department in reference to a civil issue and theft in the 100 block of West Elm Street.
An officer was dispatched to the 100 block of Montgomery Street in reference to a dog bite.
An officer was dispatched to the 1000 block of South Macoupin Street in reference to a suspicious circumstance.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of West Easton Street in reference to a civil standby.
An officer was dispatched to Gillespie High School in reference to extra security patrol after the basketball game.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 900 block of Springfield Road in East Gillespie reference theft.
An officer was dispatched to Western Avenue and West Elm Street in reference to juvenile issues.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 100 block of South Hard Road in Mt. Clare in reference to juvenile issues.
An Officer was dispatched to the 600 block of Broadway Street reference a wellbeing check.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Mt. Clare Drive and South Hard Road in Mt. Clare. Samantha N. Sandy, 30 of Walshville, was issued citations for expired registration and expired driver’s license.
An officer was dispatched 300 block of South Macoupin Street in reference to criminal damage to property. Joshua M. Maloney, 28 of Wilsonville, was arrested for criminal damage to property and criminal trespass to building.
Steven A. Kroll, 33 of Eagarville, was arrested on a Montgomery County warrant for failure to appear for driving under the influence.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of East Walnut Street in reference to a suspicious person.
An officer spoke with a female in the 400 block of North 4th Street in Benld in reference to a civil issue.
An officer was dispatched to the 500 block of Broadway Street in reference to a 911 call.
An officer was dispatched to the 300 Block of North Macoupin Street in reference to a suspicious person.
All subjects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Community News
Gillespie teen wins drive safe Chicago video contest
1 week agoon
February 6, 2025By
BenGil Staff
Wins $2,000 Prize and Video She Created will Air on 160 TV Stations Nationwide
CHICAGO – Emily Bergen, 16, a student at Gillespie High School in Gillespie, has won the annual Drive Safe Chicago public service announcement contest. Antonio Knott, 15, of Merrillville High School in Merrillville IN, placed second in the voting, and Noelani Elizalde, 17, also from Merrillville High School, was third.
Sponsored by the National Road Safety Foundation in partnership with the Chicago Auto Show, teens from Illinois and surrounding states were invited to submit ideas for a 30-second PSA about sharing the road with other passenger vehicles, trucks, motorcycles and pedestrians.
Three finalists were selected and each worked with an Emmy Award-winning producer to transform their PSA submissions into 30-second TV public service announcements. The public was then able to vote for their favorite online. More than 1,400 online votes were cast.
The winner received $2,000 and will be featured on nationally-syndicated Teen Kids News, reaching more than 160 TV stations across the country. The first runner-up got $1,000 and the second runner-up won $500. All three finalists’ teachers received $100 gift cards.
Bergen’s winning PSA shows a young driver starting her car and pressing a “share the road” button. As she drives, an AI voice warns her of a bicyclist, a pedestrian and children in a school zone. The voice then reminds her, “Cars don’t come with devices like me, which is why you need to know how to share the road.”
“The carnage on our roads can be reduced if drivers remain aware of others who share the road,” said Michelle Anderson of The National Road Safety Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes safe driving. “We think the creative ideas about sharing the road from our Drive Safe Chicago winner and runners-up convey that message effectively.”
“Although today’s new cars are safer than ever, with technological advances that are proven to help avoid crashes,” said Chicago Auto Show Chairwoman Kelly Webb Roberts, “drivers must still be aware of others they are sharing the road with, whether it’s a car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle or pedestrians.”
The National Road Safety Foundation says driver error accounts for 94 percent of all fatal crashes, with speeding and driver distraction among the leading factors. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 40,990 people died on U.S. roads and highways in 2023, with hundreds of thousands of injuries and an estimated annual cost of more than $340 billion.
View Bergen’s winning video below:
Bergen’s video is also featured center on the National Road Safety Foundation’s website with the runners-up videos to the right and to the left: