Ben-Gil Elementary School is 50% Complete
Board Members David Griffel, Bill Carter, and Weye Schmidt listen as Tom Hyde (far right) explains progress on the Ben-Gil Elementary School.
Superintendent Skeans announced Monday, September 24 during a regular scheduled school board meeting, that the William E. Schmidt Foundation sent another donation to the school. “It is good to hear the building of the new Elementary School is going well,” John (William) said in his letter. “Find enclosed a check for $30,000 as a gift from the Schmidt Foundation in loving memory of our parents, William and Florence, and other departed family members.”
“Every time he does this,” Skeans started, “I am just humbled by his generosity.” Skeans went on to add that he wrote back to John “we are humbled by your recent contribution to the district.” “We are especially grateful for your contribution,” Skeans read from his letter back to John (William). Skeans explained that the check is going to go toward track maintenance and the technology upgrade in the Middle School.
Skeans explained that some of the donations are earmarked and some are not. The ones that are not, Skeans applies the money to where he feels is needed. “Every so many years that track has to maintained,” Skeans explained. “There will be adequate funds there to take care of that when it needs to be done, so it won’t have to be taken out of public taxes.” He explained that last year donations from the William E. Schmidt Foundation went toward the computer labs. “We always put it to good use.”
Joe Tieman, Assistant Superintendent, explains that enrollment for CUSD #7 has increased, according to 6th day enrollment figures.
As of last week, district architect Tom Hyde announced the new Ben-Gil Elementary school is 50% complete. “We have filled out all of the paperwork and signed the documents,” Skeans explained. “We should be receiving a check for $10 million to finish the building. We will receive the continuance money when we are 90% complete.”
Hyde explained that all the concrete work with Korte & Luitjohan from bid package 2 is completed and the Contegra building contract is currently 35% complete. “During the next 30 days, work will continued on walls in classrooms, metal roof installation, and interior electric, plumbing, and HVAC work,” Hyde noted.
As of last Tuesday’s construction meeting with Hyde and Contegra, the company is still confident they will complete their contract by April of 2013 “which is what their contract says.” Hyde explained that Larry Norville tested water pressure around the building and a fire pump is not necessary. After numerous board members complained about the concrete sidewalk looking like “a rollercoaster,” Tom stated he would assess the project.
The board then approved change order number 4 for Contegra and approved the inter-governmental agreement relative to Illinois Department of National Resources and Benld School Demolition. The board approved advertising for demolition bids. “The land is still ours after we award a bid, but everything else on the site is theirs (demolition company).”
Background Checks
Skeans then went on to update the board on a request from board member Jenni Alepra. “Do we do background checks on parents to go on field trips and volunteers for events,” he relayed the question. CUSD #7 does not do any sort of background checks. According to Skeans, they are initiating that process and it will go through the ROE. “We will have the machine over here and everyone will have to go through the background check,” Skeans explained. “We are moving forward with that.”
6th Day Enrollment Figures
Assistant Superintendent Joe Tieman presented the school board with 6th day enrollment figures. In the high school, there are 394 students enrolled which is a 3.1% increase. There are 285 students enrolled in Gillespie Middle School this year, just 3 students less than last year. The Elementary School has 632 students including all of their students outside of the district. It is close to a 3.9% increase for the Elementary School. “Keep in mind, these numbers change,” Tieman concluded. Overall enrollment is up.
Personnel Matters
The school board appointed Rusty Billbruck, previous school board president for CUSD #7, as assistant football coach for FSY 2013.
The school board then hired Brandi Schoen as special education paraprofessional at the high school level, pending certification.
School board president Mark Hayes explains how the sidewalk in front of the new school is not level.
School Board Election
The following Board of Education members are up for re-election in the April 9, 2013 election: William (Bill) Carter, Jr., Dorchester Township; Don Dobrino, Cahokia Township; and David Griffle, Brushy Mound Township. Nominating petition forms for the election are now available. Voters will be electing three persons to the Board of Education at the non-partisan election to be held on April 9, 2013. A school board candidate’s petition, signed by at least 50 registered voters, must be filed in the CUSD #7 Administration Office no later than 5:00pm on December 24,2012.
Any interested in the position, must reside in the appropriate township and pick up a packet from the Administration Office. For any questions, contact County Clerk Pete Duncan at 217-854-3214 or email at .
Administrator Updates
Dennis Tiburzi, high school principal, noted that the faculty attended a very good workshop on “Teacher Performance Evaluations” and they will be implementing the new student information system. The new system will allow parents to check their children’s grades on the new system on October 22. Access code and passwords were sent home with the student’s mid-term grades.
He also noted that Mrs. Brown obtained a grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation for $2,000. The funds will be used to purchase Star Math and Star Reading to be used by the RTI program to assess students’ needs in both math and reading.
Joe Tieman read Lori Emmons report on the middle as she was supervising an athletic function. Tieman announced that mid-terms were sent home last week to parents. He also announced that GMS has a new student council and that the members “are role models and positive influences on the school environment.”
Angela Turcol, elementary principal, announced that 254 families attend the open house. “It was wonderful,” she added. Turcol went on to announce teachers are working with system and making the adjustments needs at the elementary level. She is working on including progress report in the new system.
New Business
The board explained that administrator and teacher salaries and benefits for FSY 2012 are now online on the district website. Internet posting is required by school code and law. “That is last year. That is what the state wants and that is what we have,” Skeans explained.
The board also adopted the FSY 2013 budget as presented. Lastly, the board approved FSY 2012 audit.
September Bills
The board approved payment for the September bills as follows:
Education Fund: $55,036.20
Building Fund: $61,644.31
Transportation Fund: $7,131.31
Site and Construction Fund: $2,459,334.06
Grand total = $2,583,145.88
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