The public is invited to come out and enjoy the Benld Croatian Picnic and Build Benld Art Fair to be held on Sunday, September 4th from 9am to 4pm at the Benld City Park.
The St. Louis Croatian Junior Tamburitzans will perform folk dancing at 2pm, and “Plavi Dunav” will play throughout the day. Sarma, lamb, kabobs, brats with kraut and deserts will be available for purchase in the food stand.
This year’s event will also include an Art Fair and Sale sponsored by Build Benld, a non-profit group promoting local businesses and tourism in Benld. The Art Fair will feature many Croatian arts/artists and wine tasting sponsored by TJ’s in Benld.
“Heart of Croatia” will also be in attendance that day with a number of their products that represent our wonderful Croatian heritage and traditions.
Spend the day, come out and enjoy the great food, music, conversation and good art, as well as support two good organizations: Build Benld and Lodge 217 Benld.
(For more information about the Build Benld project, click here.
Veschak’s Bakery on West Central Avenue in Benld will also be open all day on Sept 4th to sell Croatian cookies (almond Crescents, Kolachky, Fruit Salami, Lemon and Almond Wine cookies.)
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