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Gillespie council tables video gambling decision



Dave Link wants his land to be split in two lots instead of one

Dave Link questions Kevin Polo why his land was combined into one deed.

In a regular board meeting on July 9, the council discussed passing two ordinances that would allow the City of Gillespie to collect revenue off of legalized video gambling machines in liquor consuming locations such as a bar or restaurant.

As of now, the only people that make money off the gambling machines are the owner, the leasing company if the owner does not own their own machines, and the customers from the payouts. “The customer hardly ever wins,” Hicks added. “The machines would be operated by the lottery board, so the customer has a better chance of winning.” An 80% chance of winning, in fact.

The state law would provide of the net terminal income, the portion made after payouts are made, the city would get 1/6 of the income. The tavern owner has to operate their own machines with a price tag of $25 thousand each. There will be no phone lines into the building, but will operate off a wireless box inside the building.

The payout to the customer is 80% and then the State of Illinois will take 30% of the remaining 20% leaving 70% left to the business owner. The City of Gillespie would get 1/6 of the 30% taken by the State of Illinois. According to Dave Link, the new gambling machines will produce more revenue versus the old, illegal machines in affect now.

A concerned citizen who wanted to remain anonymous brought a petition to the council with 18 names on it to not allow gambling within the city. “I stand in opposition to it and as a life long member of this community, I stand in opposition,” he said. “So do many members in the community. If I can influence anyone’s vote, I did my job.”

The council questioned the citizen what his view was about. “This has been going on for years,” Dave Tucker said. “We are just replacing illegal gambling with a state sponsored gambling. We are, potentially, getting rid of something illegal and bringing in something legal.”

“So, nothing is going to change,” the citizen asked. “I don’t know what to say about it. There is no end to it. I am very proud of this community and I personally think that this is just one more step downhill, along with the people that signed that petition.”

The State of Illinois offers a free license to operate the machines after a clear background check without any felony charges. The business would be required to have a liquor license while only fraternal organizations and veteran organizations are allowed to have the gambling machines.


Chief of Police DePoppe explained that the department collected over $1,000 in towing and impound fees in June.

The machines will not be available until the first of August. After being asked by the aldermen, Dave Link thinks the machines will help any business. “People drive down to boat every day to play these machines,” Dave noted. “These machines will be the exact same ones as the boat has.”

According to the Dave Tucker, it is an improvement for the City and it takes the hassle away from the owner. They would be legal and the owner would not have as much to worry about.

The most machines an establishment can have are 5 and it is has to be in a location where no one under 18 is allowed inside. “So, if someone wants to come in my place and eat dinner but have their kids with them, they can go in the closed room and play the machines without their kids,” Dave Link explained after he recently attended a meeting discussing the new video gambling machines.

It is pretty similar to the lottery, Mayor Hicks explained. “As long as the public understands both sides. There is the gambling side of it, but there is also the revenue side for the city as well,” Hicks said. The lottery board will run the machines and the city could pull the liquor license if there are any issues from any establishment. That would be the only leverage for the city, Dave Tucker noted.

Dave Link went on to say the State would pull the machines from the establishment if they ever caught anyone under 18 using the machines.

If the council did not pass the ordinance, there would not be any video gambling allowed in the city as it is now. “We do not have to pass this ordinance and we will continue to ban video gaming if the ordinance does not pass.”

The council decided to let the decision ride for a month to see if there is any public scrutiny. If there weren’t, the council would consider accepting the ordinances at the next board meeting in August.

Dave Link then asked Kevin Polo why they didn’t just take lot 212 on Macoupin Street and give him 3 foot of the next lot which is the City’s. The only lot that was supposed to be changed was 210, not 212. Then they could have just deeded 3 foot of property through there, so it would not be one address “On the other side of the property, I own two lots and have a 2 foot strip,” Link noted. “It won’t all be one business. It will be two different businesses.”

“I think it makes more sense and is much simpler,” Kevin Polo responded. “From a legal description, why have an extra lot when you don’t need one?” Polo went on to say that it can be changed if Link wants.


Link said it makes more sense, so if needed, he can sell a lot down the road. “I can divide that number in two, but I do not know where exactly the survey line would be if we split the lots,” Polo went on. Link offered to take Polo down to his property immediately and show him every corner on both lots. “They are all marked,” Link added.

“It isn’t that easy,” Mayor Hicks stepped in. “It is a little more complicated than what you are saying. He will have to redo the legal description that describes that 3 foot you are talking about.” Polo said we aren’t writing a description for 3 feet of land, we are adding the 3 feet to lot 210.

“I do not understand why he combined the two lots anyhow,” Link interrupted. “They do not need to be combined as one address. Right now, he has 4 corners in the back. He has the south corner on 210 and the north corner on 210. He also has the north corner on 212 and the south corner on 212. There are four corners and if he wanted to deed it all in one, he did not need the four corners.”

Polo went on to say that Link wants a description with 210 just as it was and then a description of 212 with the additional 3 feet. “If I wanted to sell one of these lots, I would have two to sell,” Link said. “I already have a deed for 210, now I just need a deed for 212 plus the three feet.”

Kevin Polo told Link that he just needs to talk to Carl and he can get everything straight for him. “So, you want me to call him then,” Link questioned. “Yes, I want you to get it just how you want it,” Polo answered.

Chief of Police Jared DePoppe then gave the monthly report to the council. The police department received $750 in ordinance violations and $1,000 for towing and impound fees. Court fees for the month of May were a little over $2,000 while they are still playing catch up for the month of June. “It was a fairly good month for June,” DePoppe noted.

Lastly, the council then disallowed the grievance brought before the council by Dave Pickett with the only objection coming from Jim Alderson.

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Gillespie teen wins drive safe Chicago video contest



Wins $2,000 Prize and Video She Created will Air on 160 TV Stations Nationwide

CHICAGO – Emily Bergen, 16, a student at Gillespie High School in Gillespie, has won the annual Drive Safe Chicago public service announcement contest.  Antonio Knott, 15, of Merrillville High School in Merrillville IN, placed second in the voting, and Noelani Elizalde, 17, also from Merrillville High School, was third. 

Sponsored by the National Road Safety Foundation in partnership with the Chicago Auto Show, teens from Illinois and surrounding states were invited to submit ideas for a 30-second PSA about sharing the road with other passenger vehicles, trucks, motorcycles and pedestrians.

Three finalists were selected and each worked with an Emmy Award-winning producer to transform their PSA submissions into 30-second TV public service announcements.  The public was then able to vote for their favorite online.  More than 1,400 online votes were cast.

The winner received $2,000 and will be featured on nationally-syndicated Teen Kids News, reaching more than 160 TV stations across the country. The first runner-up got $1,000 and the second runner-up won $500.  All three finalists’ teachers received $100 gift cards.

Bergen’s winning PSA shows a young driver starting her car and pressing a “share the road” button.  As she drives, an AI voice warns her of a bicyclist, a pedestrian and children in a school zone. The voice then reminds her, “Cars don’t come with devices like me, which is why you need to know how to share the road.”

“The carnage on our roads can be reduced if drivers remain aware of others who share the road,” said Michelle Anderson of The National Road Safety Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes safe driving. “We think the creative ideas about sharing the road from our Drive Safe Chicago winner and runners-up convey that message effectively.”

“Although today’s new cars are safer than ever, with technological advances that are proven to help avoid crashes,” said Chicago Auto Show Chairwoman Kelly Webb Roberts, “drivers must still be aware of others they are sharing the road with, whether it’s a car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle or pedestrians.”


The National Road Safety Foundation says driver error accounts for 94 percent of all fatal crashes, with speeding and driver distraction among the leading factors.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 40,990 people died on U.S. roads and highways in 2023, with hundreds of thousands of injuries and an estimated annual cost of more than $340 billion.

View Bergen’s winning video below:

Bergen’s video is also featured center on the National Road Safety Foundation’s website with the runners-up videos to the right and to the left:

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L&C announces fall 2024 honors lists



Lewis and Clark Community College

Students earning a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or higher out of a possible 4.0 are named to the President’s List. Those students earning a grade point average between 3.25 and 3.74 are recognized each semester on the Dean’s List.

Further requirements are listed in the college’s online catalog at All questions should be directed to the Enrollment Center at (618) 468-2222. Below is an excerpt containing students residing in Macoupin County.

President’s List

BENLD – Ryleigh L. Phillips; Zander E. Rieffer; Emily R. Schoen; Tristen B. Wargo;

BRIGHTON – Brandon M. Adams; Ike D. Austin; Lainie L. Behrends; Reagan Beilsmith; Ian C. Brantley; Tina M. Brass; Lane Cox; Madison P. Fenstermaker; Hunter D. Gillis; Hailey Gula; Alexis R. Harrop; Gavin Humm; Thomas D. Kunz; Nicholas O. McGee; Audrey A. Perkins; Ava J. Pulley; Alyssa J. Schuchman; Addison Strohbeck; Sydney A. Valdes; Abby Van Doren; Piper L. Voorhees; Madelyn E. Zarges;

BUNKER HILL – Alex Betts; Grant J. Burch; Kayleigh K. Butler; Abigayle L. Collins; Denise Deias; Braden T. Fulton; Dillon M. Guess; Maya R. Henfling; Hannah J. Herrmann; Madalynn Hilyard; Madelyn Landreth; William Manar; Kaylee L. Richert; Andrew Sanner; Abby N. Spraggs; Noah A. Thyer;

CARLINVILLE – Jack E. Beard; Matthew J. Eldred; Jack Goby; Stephanie K. Harding; Gabriel R. Henson; Alexsis A. Kalaher; Weston E. Kuykendall; Lillian McCurley; Emerald Ondrey; Joanna M. Roemer; Jessica N. Strubbe; Karleina J. Tipps; Samuel L. Wilson;

GILLESPIE – Lauren E. Bertagnolli; Ean L. Davis; Lanie G. Doty; Kennedy G. Helmkamp;

MEDORA – Aubrey M. Reno; Anneliese M. Shatley; Haleigh Sinclair;

SHIPMAN – Alyssa L. Beck; Gracie B. Darr; Addison A. Jeffers; Tyson Kahl; Josiah A. Schuette; Bailee A. Sorgea;


SOUTH ROXANA – Lyndsey M. Johansen; Caden O. Lara; Savanah M. Stogsdill;

STAUNTON – Julie A. Aloisi; Samantha R. Anderson; Zane P. Anderson; Shane Baker; Lilly M. Bandy; Grace Bekeske; Gianna Bianco; Carson G. Buffington; Kiersten L. Carlson; Karla J. Castillo; Izabella Claussen; Lillian Dothager; Olivia M. Favre; Eli J. Henke; Alexis A. Hester; Samantha D. Hoffman; Harold I. Irvin, III; Dylan Jarden; Korryn O. Keehner; Nicholas L. Raphael; Alexis P. Schaaf; Brady Seelbach; Carli L. Skinner; Cole Sternickle; Tyler J. Thompson; Lilly Trettenero; Lillyan S. Troeckler;

Dean’s List

BENLD – Ridge A. Braundmeier; Kaitlynn E. Conner; Elizabeth M. King; Alyssa S. McCollum; Marria D. Middleton; Alyssa F. Schuette;

BRIGHTON – Garrett R. Beuttel; Troy J. Brooks; Emily Y. Cambron; Jacob G. Carpenter; Lucy Childress; Olivia Cody; Logan T. Crane; Tristyn N. Ditterline; Kaylin G. Gerard; Cooper J. Hagen; Ashlyn K. Hall; Evan Hanold; Samuel J. Harshbarger; Amelia R. Hines-Pattan; Ella J. Kadell; Daylin M. King; Kayla A. Lemarr; Tucker Mayhew; Elizabeth L. Milford; Stacey M. Mynatt; Blythe E. Roloff; Jordan R. Short; Shiann Vinson; Grace A. Wylde;

BUNKER HILL – Cole T. Burch; Hanna N. Heeren; Madelynne K. Heflin; Taylor Miklavic; Katelyn J. Miller; Abigail G. Scott;

CARLINVILLE – Boedy E. Baker; Emily A. Barbre; Zachary Chapman; Ella R. Clevenger; Alana N. Dixon; Alison J. Dixon; Nathan Dyer; Addison Eldred; Saralynn I. Joiner; Henry S. Kalaher; William G. Meyer; Chloe A. Payne; Amy L. Pocklington; Jack Rives; Lanna P. Vanderpoel; Ella C. Wise; Braley M. Wiser;

GILLESPIE – Reese E. Bussmann; Regan E. Bussmann; Addie M. Hayes; Karter Mix; Adrianne B. Niemeyer; Grace J. Vandoren; Shannon L. Wright;

MOUNT OLIVE – Libbie M. Nowell;


PIASA – Anna C. Fink;

SHIPMAN – Kaden G. Cottingham; Rocky Darr; Kathryn M. Mueller; Sayuri Owada; Rocky J. Rose;

STAUNTON – Rylee K. Baugh; David S. Dann; Belle M. Darte; Jacob A. Dillon; Vivienne Dothager; Sean T. Fleming; Kennedy L. Legendre; Zander MacHota; Savannah M. Missey; Nicholas Monahan; Nicole M. Narup; Kelley Perrine; Christopher S. Pritchett; Alivia Royer; Katie N. Schalk; Lakesi Settles; Priya E. Siegfried; Justin A. Smith; Kylie A. Tomso; Whitney Weller;

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Gillespie to host blood drive on Feb. 17



Gillespie Community will host a Community Blood Drive with ImpactLife, the provider of blood components for local hospitals. The blood drive will be from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Monday, February 17 at 900 Broadway, inside Gillespie Methodist Church Gym.

To donate, please contact Brenda Lowe at (217) 710-1336 or visit and use code 60020 to locate the drive. You may also call ImpactLife to schedule at 800-747-5401. Appointments are requested.

Potential donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 with parental permission form available through and weigh more than 110 pounds. A photo I.D. is required to donate.  For questions about eligibility, please call ImpactLife at (800) 747 5401. Donors who last gave blood on or before 12/23/24 are eligible to give at this drive.

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