As summer approaches, the City of Gillespie and the Gillespie Police Department want to remind everyone of the following ordinances:
Yard Sales: require the purchase of a permit at a cost of $10 per year sale with a limit of two yard sales during a calendar year. Permits can be purchased at the City Clerk’s Office. (Ordinance No. 2011-15)
Swimming Pools: require a safety fence six feet in height around the pool. (Article V-General Provisions Section 7.2)
Uncut weeds, grass, and shrubbery, abatement: uncut weeds or grass cannot grow in excess of 8 inches (Ordinance No. 2003-12)
Littering Prohibited-Yard Debris: It shall be unlawful for any person to place, store, or dispose of in any manner any yard debris or anything else of an unsightly or unsanitary nature located within the city of on any private property where the city has nuisance abatement authority for any period longer than sever days unless said items are in a completely enclosed structure complying with all building and housing codes of the city. (Article 7, Garbage and Refuse, Section 11-100 Littering Prohibited.) (Ord. 95-7, passed 7-10-95)
Accumulation Prohibited (no yard debris to accumulate on property boulevards and/or ditches): No person shall allow, permit or have an accumulation of ashes, solid waste, recyclable material, yard debris, metal, construction debris or other items as set forth herein on any premises within the city which tends to create a public nuisance or a health problem. (11-102 Accumulation Prohibited) (Ord. 95-7, passed 7-10-95)
Bicycles: Traffic laws apply to persons riding bicycles. Every person riding a bicycle upon a highway shall be granted all of the rights, and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this traffic code, except as to special regulations in this traffic code and expect as to those provisions of this traffic code which by their nature can have no application. Every bicycle when in use at nighttime shall be equipped with a lamp on the front which shall emit a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front and with a red reflector on the rear of a type approved by the state Department of Transportation which shall be visible from all distances from 100 feet to 600 feet when directly in front of lawful lower beams of headlamps on motor vehicle. A lamp emitting a red light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear may be used in addition to the red reflector. (ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, 11-1502) Penalty, see 16-80
Violation of any of the above ordinances could result in a fine from the issuance of a city ordinance citation. To review the above ordinances in their entirety or any City of Gillespie Ordinances, or if you have a question about a specific ordinance contact the Gillespie Police Department or stop by the Gillespie City Clerk’s Office between the hours of 8am-5pm Monday thru Friday.
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