Awarded $6,700
“Once again The Partnership for Educational Excellence is proud to award academic tuition scholarships to approximately 20% of a Gillespie High School graduating class: 13 of 68 graduates,” said John Fassero, Jr., president of the education foundation.
“We are entering our 20th (academic) year of existence and are thrilled to have awarded nearly 300 scholarships totaling more than $150,000 to GHS grads who have gone on to 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities as well as technical schools.”
“Every one of those dollars was donated by alums, residents, and foundations that agree with us that ‘only on the foundation of education can our children build useful lives and a stable society’”, said Fassero.
“We offer special thanks to the W. E. Schmidt and the Lon and Lucille Barton Charitable Trusts, which have been our mainstays since day one. In addition, the Tebbe Family Foundation, the Employees Charitable Foundation of Boeing St. Louis, the estate of Lucille Adams, the Bertetti Foundation, the Kuklis family, the family of Carol Enrico-DeLucca, the Carroll-Keupper family, and the Mike and Perina Verticchio Perpetual Scholarship fund have made major contributions. But our lifeblood is the small and routine donation sent by our hundreds of supporters as memorials or gifts to honor someone on a special occasion. Warm thanks to all!”
This year’s scholarship winners are:
Michael Bussmann, child of Beth and Craig Bussmann of Gillespie IL, was awarded the Denis McGrady Memorial Scholarship for $500 to be paid directly to Millikin, Augustana, or Westminster Colleges where he will study undecided.
Abbie Cline, child of Joe and Teresa Cline of Sawyerville IL, was awarded the Carol Enrico DeLucca Memorial Scholarship for a Top Girl Graduate of Gillespie High School for $500 to be paid directly to Austin Peay State University where she will study pre-physical therapy.
Dallas DeMartini, child of Jim and Leeann DeMartini of Benld IL, was awarded the Travis Semplowski Memorial Scholarship for $500 to be paid directly to Massachusetts Institute of Technology or Washington University where he will study physics and engineering.
Kim Dunn, child of Jack and Connie Dunn of Gillespie IL, was awarded the Matt and Marge Turcol Memorial Scholarship for $500 to be paid directly to Lincoln College where she will study physical therapy assistant.
Alexander Greff, child of Charles and Virginia Greff of Benld IL, was awarded the Carroll-Keupper Family Scholarship for $500 to be paid directly to McKendree University where he will study chemistry and pre-med.
Cort Hellmann, child of Tracy and Phillip Hellmann of Gillespie IL, was awarded the Elinor Davies Memorial Nursing Scholarship for $500 to be paid directly to Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Southwest Illinois College or Lewis and Clark Community College where he will study nursing.
Loni Nicole Manalia, child of Lon and Rhonda Manalia of Plainview IL, was awarded the Joe Libbra Memorial Scholarship for $500 to be paid directly to Illinois College where she will study psychology or environmental science.
Laura Halpin, child of William and Tammy Halpin of Gillespie IL, was awarded the Mike and Perina Verticchio Memorial Scholarship for $500 to be paid directly to Maryville University where she will study physical therapy.
Ricky Mock, child of Scott and Linda Mock of Gillespie IL, was awarded the Tebbe Family Foundation Scholarship for $500 to be paid directly to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he will study engineering.
Elise Newman, child of Mary and Harold Newman of Gillespie IL, was awarded the Betty Olive Memorial Scholarship for $500 to be paid directly to Lewis and Clark Community College where she will study nursing.
Adam Schmidt, child of Weye and Nancy Schmidt of Gillespie IL, was awarded the Jim Rosentreter Memorial Scholarship for $500 to be paid directly to Lewis and Clark Community College where he will study civil engineering.
Austin Semplowski, child of Ron and Tammie Semplowski of Gillespie IL, was awarded the Dick Meno Memorial Scholarship for $500 to be paid directly to Greenville College or Lewis and Clark Community College where he will study criminal justice.
Eric Tiller, child of Thomas and Melissa Tiller of Gillespie IL, was awarded the Michael Valenti Memorial Scholarship for $500 to be paid directly to Luther College where he will study pre-chiropracty.
The Partnership was also pleased to administer two music awards on behalf of the estate of Evaline Boehmke. The band and choral faculty of GHS chose Michael Taylor for band and Alli Branham for chorus; each received a $100 check for excellence in music.
The Partnership (a 501c3, IRS-chartered, not-for-profit foundation) has invested nearly $400,000 in classroom mini-grants from pre-K through grade 12.
To keep up with our activities or to make a donation: or write to us at P.O. Box 125, Gillespie IL 62033. All donations and memorials are acknowledged by mail when names and addresses are provided.
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