Juveniles reported that they found a stolen bicycle belonging to one of them in the 300 block of E. Oak.
Officer took a report from a female who reported that a male subject left his 3 year old child in a vehicle while he went into a business in the 400 block of S. Macoupin. The officer contacted the male at home and was told his child is 7 years old and not 3 years old. He went to the business for just a minute.
Officer took a report from a male who said he was battered by a female on a business parking lot on Southern St. He did not want to file charges, just have the female leave him alone. The female was contacted and advised not to have a further contact with the male subject or his wife.
Officer took a report from a male who reported that his lock box that was on the front porch of his rent house was missing along with a key padlock that was hooked on the railing. There was a pair of bolt cutters lying inside the house.
Office took a report from a female who said she was almost T-boned at Pine and Macoupin and then the female subject followed her, right on her bumper all the way to the school. Charges are pending on the female subject for reckless driving.
Nick B. Walters, 35, Gillespie was arrested on a Macoupin County Warrant for failure to appear on a driving while license suspended charge. He posted bond and was released.
Officers responded to a call to the Catholic Cemetery on Second & Cedar Sts for a group of juveniles in the cemetery after dark. One female juvenile, 15, Gillespie was cited for criminal trespass to land. She had been warned before about being the cemetery after dark.
Officer took a report from a female who had someone get a hold of her debit card number and order something on line on her bank account.
Officers were called to the 400 block of E. Walnut for a domestic between a grandmother and her grandson. The grandson and his girlfriend and child had moved in with the grandmother and were causing her problems. She wanted them out of her house by Monday. They were advised to try and get along until that time or charges could be filed.
Officer was contacted by another agency that a runaway was reported to be at a residence in the 300 block of E. Oak. The officer went to that location and found the 14 year old male and brought him to the police department where his mother picked him up.
Officer was called to the 300 block of W. Pine for a domestic between husband and wife that the child reported to 911. When the officer arrived, found it was all verbal, they had just been arguing. No charges were filed.
SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2012
Officer took a report from a male who reported that a vehicle went by his residence in the 400 block of E. Elm yelling at a female, threatening her. The female was shown a picture of the male thought to be the suspect and she identified him. The officer looked for the vehicle but he must have left the area.
Officers were called to the 300 block of N. Adams for a domestic between a brother and his sister. The sister left the residence with their mother and everyone settled down.
Officers received a call where a mother dropped off her two children at a church and said they could go home with a couple and their children. That couple did not come to the church services and when they were contacted, they were getting their children ready for bed and did not want to be responsible for the other two children. The children were brought to the police department and picked up by a couple of people, the male going to his dad’s and the female going to her grandmothers.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of West Spruce Street in Benld in reference to a civil issue.
An officer was dispatched to the 800 block of Harding Avenue in East Gillespie in reference to illegal burning.
An officer was dispatched to Rice Street and East Chestnut Street in reference to a traffic crash.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Route 16 and Lake Road. Ciara L. Cook, 29 of Elsah, she was issued citation for expired registration.
An officer was dispatched to the 500 block of West Baker Street in reference to a well-being check.
An officer was dispatched to the 700 block of North Macoupin Street in reference to a medical assist.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Broadway Street and Kelly Street. Jaiden J. Johnson, 19 of Gillespie, was issued a citation for speeding.
An officer spoke with a female at Gillespie Police Department in reference to criminal trespass to property in the 200 block of West Spruce in Benld.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Broadway Street and Kelly Street. Cody S. Vannoy, 36 of Bunker Hill, was issued a citation for speeding.
An officer was dispatched to the 1000 block of Abba Street in reference to a suspicious noise.
An officer was dispatched to the 600 block of Litchfield Road in East Gillespie in reference to an alarm call.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 100 block of East Maple Street in reference to found property.
An officer spoke with a male at Gillespie Police Department in reference to a civil issue.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of West Spruce Street in Benld in reference to a civil standby.
An officer spoke with a male at Gillespie Police Department in reference to a civil issue in the 400 block of South 7th Street in Benld.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Central Avenue and 2nd Street in Benld. Gregory L Dioneda, 58 of Maryville, was issued a citation for speeding.
An officer was dispatched to the 100 block of East Maple Street in reference to an alarm call.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of North Hard Road in Mt. Clare in reference to a suspicious vehicle.
An officer was dispatched to the 700 block of Clinton Street in reference to a noise complaint.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Easton Street and Abba Street. Steven A. Kroll, 33 of Eagarville, was arrested on a Macoupin County warrant for failure to appear for resisting an officer.
An officer was dispatched to the 400 block of Henry Street in reference to a suspicious person.
Adam M. Miller, 36 of Edwardsville, was arrested on a Macoupin County warrant for failure to appear for burglary.
An officer was dispatched to the 400 block of West Baker in reference to a well-being check.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of West Elm Street in reference to a well-being check.
An officer was dispatched to the 500 block of Cloud Street in reference to a 911 call.
An officer was dispatched to the 300 block of South 1st Street in Benld in reference to a domestic dispute.
An officer was dispatched to Route 138 in front of Benld Cemetery in reference to a traffic crash.
An officer was dispatched to the 400 block of South 7th Street in Benld in reference to a domestic dispute.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of North Trolley in Benld in reference to a civil issue.
An officer was out with a vehicle in the 200 block of North Illinois Street in Benld. Ashleigh K. Bethel, 41 of Benld, was arrested for driving on suspended driver’s license and resisting / obstructing a police officer.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 400 block of Central Avenue in Benld in reference to criminal trespass to property.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 900 block of Springfield Road in East Gillespie reference a suspicious person in the store. Nicholas O. Landolt, 37 of Gillespie, was arrested on a warrant out of Macoupin County for failure to appear on drug charge and Montgomery County warrant for failure to appear for driving while license was revoked.
An officer was dispatched to the 400 block of West Easton Street in reference to a suspicious person. A 15-year-old male from Gillespie was arrested on a Macoupin County warrant for aggravated battery.
An officer was dispatched to Francis Street and Plum Street in reference to a suspicious noise.
An officer was out at Route 16 and Harding Avenue in East Gillespie in reference to a motorist assist.
An officer was dispatched to Route 16 and Lake Road in reference to traffic control.
An officer initiated a traffic stop a Broadway Street and Kelly Street. Halley M. Schmidt, 25 of Worden, was issued a citation for speeding.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of North Hard Road in Mt. Clair in reference to a report of ATV riding on the roadway.
An officer was dispatched to Ben-Gil Elementary School in reference to a juvenile issue.
An officer was dispatched to the 400 block of South Macoupin Street in reference to a suspicious person.
An officer was dispatched to the 800 block of Springfield Road in East Gillespie in reference to a civil issue.
An officer was dispatched to the 700 block of Olive Street in reference to a death investigation.
An officer went to the 300 block of North 8th Street in Benld in reference to a male subject having a warrant. Logan M. Billings, 35 of Benld, was arrested on a Macoupin County warrant for failure to appear for drugs.
An officer was dispatched to the 300 block of South 7th Street in Benld in reference to a fire call.
An officer was dispatched to North 7th Street in Benld in reference to illegal parking.
An officer was dispatched to Route 4 between Benld and Gillespie in reference to a juvenile on a bike with no lights on his bike.
An officer spoke with a female at Gillespie Police Department in reference to a civil issue.
An officer was dispatched to Gillespie Bike trail in reference to a suspicious person.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 400 block of South Macoupin Street in reference to domestic battery. Joshua M. Maloney, 28 of Wilsonville, was arrested for domestic battery.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of West Walnut Street in Benld in reference to a suspicious person.
An officer was dispatched to the 300 block of Park Avenue in reference to a suspicious vehicle.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of West Oak Street in reference to an alarm call.
An officer was dispatched to Route 16 West in reference to a report of a reckless driving coming into Gillespie
An officer was dispatched to the 500 block of North Main Street in Benld in reference to a medical assist.
An officer was dispatched to the 800 block of Harding Avenue in East Gillespie in reference to a suspicious person.
All subjects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Elm Street and Macoupin Street. Jessica R. Carney, 43 of Gillespie, was arrested for driving on a suspended driver’s license and operating uninsured vehicle.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 100 block of South Hard Road in Mt. Clare. Melissa J. Hughes, 49 of Benld, was arrested for criminal trespass to property.
An officer was dispatched to the 100 block of East Maple Street in reference to a fire call assist.
An officer was dispatched to the 100 block of East Maple Street in reference to an alarm call.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of South Main Street in Benld in reference to an open door.
An officer was dispatched to the 300 block of Park Street in Benld in reference to a medical assist.
An officer was dispatched to the 100 block of East Maple Street in reference to an alarm sounding.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 100 block of South Hard Road in reference to criminal trespass.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of South 8th Street in Benld in reference to a suspicious person.
An officer was dispatched to the 500 block of Green Street in reference to a 911 call.
An officer was dispatched to the 100 block of East Elm Street in reference to a 911 call.
An officer was dispatched to the 100 block of Dorsey Road in Mt. Clare in reference to a motorist assist.
An officer was dispatched to the 500 block of West Baker Street in reference to juvenile issues.
An officer spoke with a male at Gillespie Police Department in reference to criminal trespass in the 100 block of West Oak Street.
An officer was dispatched to the 500 block of Horizon Street in reference to domestic battery and criminal trespass to property.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of West Spruce Street in reference to a suspicious person.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of South Illinois Street in Benld in reference to reckless driving.
An officer was out at Broadway Street and Western Street in reference an assist motorist.
An officer was dispatched to 15000 block of Circle Drive at Gillespie Lake in reference to a suspicious vehicle. Donald N. Corby, 59 of Gillespie, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.
An officer was dispatched to a business in the 100 block of North Macoupin Street in reference to a 911 call.
An officer was dispatched to the Gillespie Police Department to speak with a female in reference to a vehicle she has in the impound lot.
An officer was out at Macoupin Street and Chestnut Street in reference to juvenile issues.
An officer was dispatched to Route 138 by the Cemetery in Benld in reference to a motorist assist.
An officer was dispatched to the 400 block of Biddle Street in reference to a 911 call.
An officer was dispatched to the 400 block of Park Avenue in reference to a 911 call.
An officer spoke with a female at Gillespie Police Department in reference to criminal trespass in the 600 block of Charles Street.
An officer spoke with a male at Gillespie Police Department in reference to criminal trespass in the 200 block of West Spruce Street in Benld.
An officer was dispatched to the 400 block of South 2nd Street in Benld in reference to a security check.
An officer was dispatched to the 500 block of Edwards Street in reference to a 911 call.
An officer was dispatched to the 800 block of East Central Avenue in Benld in reference to a traffic crash.
David L. Clark, 32 of Gillespie, was arrested on a Macoupin County warrant for failure to appear for driving while license were suspended.
An officer was dispatched to the 100 block of Fulton Street in reference to fraud.
An officer was out at Broadway Street and Francis Street in reference to a motorist assist.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Central Avenue and Main Street in Benld. Jeremy J. McAdams, 25 of Gillespie, was issued a citation for an operating uninsured vehicle.
An officer was dispatched to Western Street and Elm Street in reference to a traffic crash.
An officer was dispatched to the 400 block of North 4th Street in Benld in reference to burglary/criminal damage to property.
An officer was dispatched to the 300 block of Francis Street in reference to a civil issue.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Trolley Street and Short Street in Benld. Tanner W. Odle, 24 of Litchfield, was issued a citation for expired registration.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of Short Street in Benld in reference to a 911 call.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Central Avenue and Kentucky Street in Benld. Allen R. McKinney, 69 of Granite City, was issued citations for operating uninsured vehicle and expired registration.
An officer was dispatched to the Gillespie High School in reference to a suspicious vehicle.
An officer was dispatched to the 15000 block of Harmony Lane at Gillespie Lake in reference to disorderly conduct.
An officer was dispatched to Staunton Road and Burton Street in reference to a item found.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Central Avenue and 6th Street in Benld. Gene A. Cravens, 61 of Mt. Olive, was issued citations for operating a vehicle without registration and operating uninsured vehicle.
An officer was dispatched to the 800 block of North Macoupin Street in reference to a 911 call.
An officer was dispatched to the 200 block of North Macoupin Street in reference to a 911 call.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Broadway Street and Kelly Street. Travis E. Harrison, 38 of St. Louis, Missouri, was issued a citation for expired registration.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Broadway Street and Kelly Street. Mary F. Kline, 42 of Bunker Hill, was issued a citation for speeding.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Broadway Street and Kelly Street. Amee J. Walker, 45 of Benld, was issued citations for expired registration and operating uninsured vehicle.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Broadway Street and Kelly Street. Barry S. Schepers, 54 of Brighton, was issued citation for speeding.
An officer initiated a traffic stop at Broadway Street and Kelly Street. A 17-year-old from Wood River was issued citations for speeding and operating uninsured vehicle.
All subjects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
According to the report, the victim is 45-year-old Charles Joseph Parrino Jr. of St. Louis, Missouri. The man was pronounced deceased at 1:38 a.m. on Sunday.
A social media profile matching the victim’ s name shows he used the nickname Chuck or Chuckie and resided in Bunker Hill. The victim’s social media also shows he worked at Bastille in St. Louis and St. Louis FOX 2 reported the co-owner of Bastille knew something was wrong when Parrino didn’t show up for work on Friday.
The cause of death is pending autopsy results which is scheduled for Monday.
Authorities have not released the identity of the suspect but Jerald Stilts was booked into the Macoupin County Jail at 3:20 a.m. on Sunday, according to jail records, and is being charged with concealing a homicidal death purportedly connected to the death investigation.
Jail records show Stilts is 57 years of age and county property records show Stilts owning a property on Shipman Cutoff Road in rural Bunker Hill.
The Macoupin County Coroner’s Office and the Macoupin County Sheriff’s Department with assistance from the Illinois State Police Crime Scene Division are investigating. More details will be released as more information is available.
The defendant is presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law.